Please see attached Reference Manual.
How can I download a spreadsheet of all items with costs in Product Introduction Kroger?
The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) aims to reform the food safety approach of industries in the United States. The rule addresses different concerns of each sector in the food industry with a goal to minimize the potential impacts of foodb...
For AWG, Regulatory Information Attribute. Anyone else get the notice to go in and add tracability regulation? , FSMA204? Does it have to be entered in to the each level? or the case level? I don't want to enter for both if I don't have to, due t...
Some error messages require clarification as they can seem unique and may even seem unrelated to your product. Let's take a look at this one around ingredientName and grapeVarietycode. Error Message: If any attribute of the FoodAndBeverageIngredie...
Is there a way to customize a Digital Catalog sales slick?
Below is a high level explanation of the process your product information follows once submitted to Albertsons in Product Introduction:
Hi,I am getting this error message when I try to validate at the case level. I have already validated at the each level:KR15964 Maximum Temperature and Minimum Temperature must have the same unit of measure. (00081953803092)The problem is that I can'...
Hello,I entered an item using Product Introduction. The product was not accepted, and cannot be used moving forawrd. Is there a way to delete the entry? Let me know. Thank you
View the Albertsons Module 4 Training Video for GDSN Supplier Submissions HERE.
Hi, i am a first-time user. we are importing our info from a different GDSN data pool. I am getting this message in validation: KR16002 Nutrient Basis Quantity Type Code is required when Nutrient Type Code is populated on Base Units. Item (0008195380...
Hi,I get the following error code when validating. Product Introduction Error MessagesError Key CodeError MessageKR16334When Kroger Item Submission Reason Code and Temperature Controlled are populated, both Temperature Qualifier Code "Trade Item is...
Good morning team! I recently entered a couple of Salt & Pepper grinders for PFG, which I published to them as "new." I received a CIC message of "Review" and we reached out to the customer. Their reply was that I needed to change the UOM from Calor...
Hello, One of our employees who is not an account holder is getting email alerts from a particular store through 1WS. I'd like to add another person onto those alerts as well but I haven't been able to figure out where to do that. Could you please po...
We have published 2 new displays (highest hierarchy) to Wakefern and the EAs included in the display. We are now being asked to publish at the case level too. Is this truly necessary? The displays are only able to be ordered at the display level (not...
Hi, I am trying to complete Kroger VIP Setup for 2 new items, however, I cannot complete due to the following code:PI6211 For item 00742753348465, attribute Serving Size requires a positive number.PI6211 For item 00742753348458, attribute Serving Siz...
Good morning, I have a review from Kroger about an image and hope someone can help me figure out what needs corrected. Below is my review message. I've looked in IM and PI and I'm not finding anything that's flagging this review. Can anyone see the ...
Hi Team, Can you please help me why Case Hierarchy comes back with this error message: PI5036 Certified for Passover Diet is required when Diet Type Code is Kosher. For GDSN items, you may need to correct data in the data pool. Item (10818290019728)...
Please see the latest UNFI Implementation Guide attached below...
Hello,:Cannot change the value of Special Item Code; (00070960951568) in hierarchy is publishedPlease help.Thanks
Hello, We are not able to search recipient Kroger when publishing from dsd. Nothing is available in search. In 1world sync this GLN is available in search Thanks
Is there an estimated timing regarding when the 2025 AS2 Certificates will be available for download? Thanks!
We have submitted our test file to Kroger/Fred Meyer. The item is and has been registered with WERCS. The WERCS required registration has been reported to Kroger (6/4). We have validated and submitted successfully. But Kroger is asking for a IMF# tha...
We want to – Remove Dynamic Assortment Flag Please help Thanks!
I am an admin but do not see the option to Add a User in the UMA. How do I confirm my admin status?
Hi 1WS Community,I have successfully synchronized our item information with the FDA GUDID. Most attributes have been synchronized and it looks great, however, there are a few attributes that I am struggling with as it doesn't appear in the GUDID.The ...
Wrong UPC codes was used in one of material we need help to unlink and link correct upc code. We want correct item hierarchy of the pallet in 1WorldSyn.
Please see attached and post any questions you have for us in the comments below. The received error message when the image requirements are missing: KRDAM16328 One Digital Asset or External File Link with Type of Information = “Product Image”, Ima...
Good morning, I have entered an item into 1sync prematurely and there are changes that are needing to be made. This item has not been published to anyone. It is currently in as a 48 ct. box, but should be 72 ct. so the dimensions will change at the u...
1WorldSync training is also available to customers in our Learning Management System (LMS). Click the LMS link below for Kroger PI/VIP and other training opportunities. When you click the link you will be directed to our LMS which will require you t...