on 07-31-2020 08:06 AM
Below is a high level explanation of the process your product information follows once submitted to Albertsons in Product Introduction:
Good Morning,
I am publishing to Albertsons and they have asked me to provide information for a product information page that I don't have the same set up or information that is being asked as them. Would you be able elaborate on this if I was to provide the example?
Hello @masonboedeker and thanks for using our Community platform!
After Publishing the items using GDSN, Albertson's has a second portal where you can top-off your items with additional information requiered by them. Have you already gone through that process? I have attached a link to the Albertson's training modules that we have posted in our Community: https://community.1worldsync.com/t5/Training-Modules/tkb-p/TrainingModules
If this is not what they/you were referring to can you please provide me with additional information? Thank you!
Having difficulty filling out product intro. How do I find out explanation of terms requested on filling out the form. Much of the info requested is the first time i've seen these terms
Attached below is our Albertson's Training tutorials. When searching for an attribute within Product Introduction you would simply select "Validate" within the item and it will display any error messages or required attributes for the item. When locating the attribute within the item you can utilize the Ctrl "F" function to keyword search each attribute. If you are struggling with locating an attribute please provide the GTIN & attribute you require assistance with.
I'm filling out the P.I. and it wants information about warehouse, but we are using C&S wholesalers for that. How to move forward with the PI?
Hello @RennyMac, thank you for reaching out to our customer community. Welcome.
Adding the distribution and cost information is mandatory for Kroger before submitting items to them. If you do not have the information available, you can contact either your distributor or your Kroger Category Manager for more details about the distribution, cost and Sales Event information that need to be populated.
You can also find a useful video here - Hierarchy Level Data in Product Introduction for Kroger - to get started with the Kroger Product Introduction top-off. For an in depth walkthrough of the entire item setup process, you can find a very useful Kroger manual here: Reference Manual for Non-GDSN Information Providers. For more articles and Kroger-related conversations, you can also use the Kroger section of our Community here: Retailer: Kroger
For Albertsons you can use our videos here Training Modules and, specifically for Warehouse and DSD Distribution, you have the videos Warehouse Distribution Controller 9.6 and DSD Distribution Controller 9.7.
I hope this helps. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have additional questions.
Thank you. I'm actually providing the information for Albertsons (not Kroger) and watching the training videos for Albertsons. I've added the DSD info and will attempt to submit it based on that, regardless of the distributor. Thank you.
Thank you for the update, @RennyMac. Please let us know if you encounter any issues and we would be delighted to assist where needed. Thank you!