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1WorldSync Recipient Tools & Info
Welcome to the “Who Are You Publishing To” Community space designed to aggregate and provide you with the best information to help you successfully synchronize your product content with your trading partners. Although all these recipients are part of the GDSN, they each have best practices for attributes, publication types and more. Please review these areas below and let us know as you have questions.

Community Recipients
These are the currently featured recipients in the customer community platform. These customers generate the most questions for our customers, so they are featured to help you gain access to their content more efficiently.

ACE Hardware       Albertsons      Amazon       Circle K       FDA GUDID       Foodservice       Kroger       Lowes       McLane       Meijer       Sam’s Club       Schnucks       UNFI       USDA& FNS       Wakefern       Walmart

Trading Partner Forms

Many recipients require you to initiate the data sync process by completing their online Trading Partner Form. Click Trading Partner Forms to see the list of recipients with online forms, select one, complete the form and get a head start on the next steps by looking at their Implementation Guide.

Recipient Implementation Guides
The Implementation Guides are tools designed to inform you of the various process steps while providing important information like the recipient GLN, preferred publication type, attribute requirements, how to obtain a subscription and more. Each recipient offers their trading partners a unique Implementation Guide. This list includes 1WorldSync and External Implementation Guides. Click Recipient Implementation Guides to learn more.

Global Recipient List
This document provides you with a valuable list of all global recipients.

Item Management Recipient Playlists
Learn more about how to get started with playlists.

Activity in Recipient Tools & Info

The 1WorldSync Customer Community Platform provides real-time access to top industry knowledge, education, and additional support to drive your business success.