1WorldSync Community Space for FDA GUDID Support, Training, and Communication
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Activity in FDA GUDID

Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA204)

The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) aims to reform the food safety approach of industries in the United States. The rule addresses different concerns of each sector in the food industry with a goal to minimize the potential impacts of foodb...

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Resolved! LDS-32009-update

Dear support desk, I found out that my error connected the issue. In 1worldsync database, Item showed up by the H: Item name, but FDA, GUDID showed up CE: Alternate Item Identification ID. I made typo in CE: Alternate Item Identification ID, and that...

Resolved! LDS-32009

I uploaded the data in Pre-prod, and got data synchronized, so uploaded to the Prod. However the data stayed "Received" status, and not synchronized for a week now. What should I do now?  

Top FDA/GUDID Issues for New Information Providers

The 1WorldSync Training team created the FDA Quick Sheets to help you quickly get started with a basic overview of the steps you will take to successfully synchronize your product content with the FDA.  It would also help you to review the FDA Imple...

Resolved! GUDID "Manufacturing Date" in GUDID did not update

Hello. I successfully published to GUDID, but noticed that I missed a field (the Y/N question in GUDID for “Manufacturing Date”). I went back to the FUSE worksheet, added a new “APPEND” row, entered "PRODUCTION_DATE" under the packagingDate/tradeItem...

Marcy3250 by New Contributor II
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Dates not correct

I'm currently updating a large number of records.  When I look at the records, all of them show a First Ship Date/Time as today.  There is also not a UDID First Publication Date in the Medical Device information tab.  Is there an issue with the dates...

LisaG by New Contributor II
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GUDID Publish Dates

I have several items that are being obsoleted, so I need to update in GUDID.  Unfortunately, 1WS has the wrong publish date listed, so is giving me an error.  How can I change the publish date for these items to match what is in GUDID?  

LisaG by New Contributor II
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I have a few items that accessgudid site is not listing: My fda product code, dm data was corrected, and  production identifiers (in udi) cannot findl expiration date indicator.  items in printed form do not match the input site.

bcotton56 by New Contributor II
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Record Submission

I have imported approximately 200 records and published to the FDA (GUDID).  The records were received, but never synchronized.  Do I need to publish again?  I published them on Friday morning - still not synced as of Monday morning.

LisaG by New Contributor II
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fda errors

I have called 860-280-4013 and emailed  technicalsupport@1worldsync.com.  I am not receiving a response from either.  Please have someone call me at 325-773-3918 asap.

bcotton56 by New Contributor II
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FDA UDI Publication

Please provide guidance on how to transform all our data to FDA UDI. Please provide the additional attributes that we need to add. Please have a side-by-side comparison of the attributes of customer publication versus US FDA. Is there a FUSE template...

junbanaga by New Contributor
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Submitting records to GUDID

I have been trying to submit records to the FDA for over a week and they d not go through.  I only receive the first acknowledgement which means they were sent.  No acknowledgement from the FDA.  

LisaG by New Contributor II
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