Adding new GLN to Recipient List in DSD
Need help with documentation on how to add a new GLN to the DSD recipient list. I am able to publish to this GLN from 1WS Item Management, but am not able to see in DSD. Thank you!
Need help with documentation on how to add a new GLN to the DSD recipient list. I am able to publish to this GLN from 1WS Item Management, but am not able to see in DSD. Thank you!
SHC47 - Electrostatic sensitive deviceSHC33 - Electrostatic sensitive devices
When will the Large May 2025 Release notes be available for DSD? The GS1 Maintenance Release 3.1.31 documentation should have been released in Dec 2024.
I received a failed Item Pub Transaction when trying to publish to GLN 4260590815637, which I setup the same way as GLN 4260590810014 which did work as intended.
I am trying to submit a CIN request but can't see to figure out the steps, as this function has changed with the 2024 upgrade. I have added a Data Source provider to my list and they are listed under the Request for CIN but there isn't a way for me t...
I have a supplier GLN publishing to the DSD. Their GLN data is in the DSD, it is not visible to me thorugh our subscriptions in IM or the Digital Catalog. Thoughts? Test GLN: 0864130000213 - Test GTIN: 10054100030006 - The review is driven by the ...
Hello,I am getting an error message back on a publication I have created. GTIN 0727351600779 CIC999 gs1TradeItemIdentificationKeyCode - GS1 Trade Item Identification Key Code is required when Data Carrier Type Code is not NO_BARCODEI am not too sure ...
We had to change our DSD SFTP info, but now outbound & inbound will not process with AS2 provider. Changed SFTP info in the DSD admin configuration tool to new SFTP info / credentialsI have restarted DSD, restarted all task, and restarted scheduled j...
Does anyone know what is the difference between 'End Availability Date/Time' and 'Discontinued Date'? I see discontinued date in 1WS DSD, but I do not see 'End Availability Date/Time in DSD. Is there a counterpart for 'End Availability Date/Time' in ...
Unable to post changes to GTIN after 1WS upgrade Tested the interface between Kroger DSD and 1WS after the upgrade. Posted a change to the GTIN but the change did not complete. Still showing "UNDERWAY" in DSD. Is there an issue with the 1WS upgrad...
I have 7 open tickets spanning three weeks with ZERO responses from the DSD team. I have spoken with my account rep who said he'd pass the information on, and yet we still have no responses. How do I get anyone from 1WS to respond to the tickets we...
I am unable to publish this morning. I have tried Chrome and Edge but it appears the form isn't logging the entered data. Anyone else having this issue?
Hi: Has anyone tried to data mine a specific attribute and pull into excel? I need to pull a report using the DSD data listing all items with Kosher designations. Note: I am a recipient, not a publisher. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated...
I am trying to understand the GDSN Image facing attribute change from a text to numeric value impact scope. 1) Do Item modify messages need to be sent from 1WS DSD PIM to IM? 2) Will there be GDSN modify publication message to GDSN connections? Tha...
Where can I get a mapping of the DSD Attribute Code List associated with the GDSN BMS IDs? I don't see it listed on the most recent data dictionary file.
I have an Item that is not sending to the Data Pool even though it has been completed in DSD. Are the Queues stuck again.
I still have two Items hung up 10072745808767 00851760006456
Hello- Last year with our Lansa we moved from using AS2 with iSeries to moving to AS2 with Windows Box. Work was done to make this move successful and when this change was done all the certificates were updated so functional. But with the change to W...
Multi part question as a recipient using Data Sync Direct: 1. Is there a way to reject and remove groups of GTINs within a GLN? We have 100 plus non US suppliers who have posted their catalogs to us unsolicited. We need to clear thier publications ...
How do I get help from 1WorldSync on an API? **2nd Request for help**
We are having trouble with our API Fetch. Who and how do I get help from 1WS? I am a recipient.
I have a large number of Items showing red X. Either DSD is processing slowly or IM is not returning message that they are synchronized or registered
Hello, if we need to add an attribute to our layout/view/options, is there a guide to do that in DSD? If so, where can I found it?
Hosted DSD application is extremely slow for the past few days rendering the production practically impossible. In addition, no confirmations are coming back from 1WS limiting the DSD functionality.
When will the DSD Production version of the upcoming GS1 Quarterly release for August 2022 be made available to those which conduct self upgrades? Thank you...
Hello, I have a client that originally sent us a publication as a CA--> EA hierarchy. I sent the publication to Albertson's and they came back letting me know the items need to have inners. I had the client withdraw the items (I withdrew as well from...
Hello, Our Inbound Transaction continue to have problems. Inbound Transaction to our PIM have been queued since Friday. We are looking to gain guidance on how to fix this. Any help is extremely appreciated. Thank you !
Hello- I am a DSD user and yesterday afternoon I submitted 6 items and still today at 10:30 CST I still haven't got a response back if successful or not. Not sure if its my DSD system or has to do with IM/1WS slow processing issue that I saw noted in...
Hi All: We are brand new to the DSD community as a recipient. Our category managers and buyers will see (and train) the program for the first time next week. I am wondering if anyone has info on the Recipient Spaces' in the 1WorldSync Community? ...