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Knowledge Base Articles

Which items do I need to synchronize with UNFI?

Which items do I need to synchronize with UNFI? We expect you to create via Data Sync for ALL items to be presented to UNFI be created via Data Sync. Store supplies and Seasonal Import items are excluded from data sync.  However, we can only synchro...


Steps to Start Synchronizing with UNFI

Steps to START Synchronizing GDSN Data with UNFI Conventional 1. First, load your item data into your home data pool.   • Load all GTIN hierarchy levels – Each, Inner Pack, Case, Pallet, etc.   • Make sure orderable unit and consumer unit flags are ...


UNFI Data Sync Team Contacts

If you need additional support related to Data Sync, please send an email to If your issue cannot be resolved via email, you can schedule a conference call with UNFI to discuss it further. The UNFI Data Management & Governance tea...


Adherence to GTIN Allocation Rules

GTIN ALLOCATION RULES UNFI closely adheres to the industry standards for Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs). These standards have been developed by leading industry retailers and suppliers around the globe. We expect all UNFI suppliers to follow these...

UNFI 2021 New Item Creation Update

Hello! We have some important updates to share about our upcoming eNewItem portal update, and the changes it will make to our new item creation/submission process.     When are these changes taking place?   The new system is scheduled to go live at t...

UNFI Product Image Requirements

Our primary focus is to ensure that ALL new items created in our system via Data Sync will have product images associated with them, to aid our new item setup processes. Consumer Image - The product images should be specified for every consumer unit ...

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UNFI TiHi Requirements

Publishing Case GTINs to UNFI When You Have Multiple Pallet Configurations If your company sells multiple configurations of the same case GTIN, your sales team should work with our merchants to determine which of those configurations we will be purc...


UNFI Product Descriptions

QUALITY PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS Quality item descriptions are critical to a successful new item setup. However, the descriptions sent by many suppliers today do not allow us to successfully identify new items. As a result, we have thousands of items se...


UNFI Private Brands

UNFI PRIVATE BRANDS     VENDORS WHO SHOULD BE PARTICPATING UNFI is actively synchronizing item data with single sourced store brand suppliers. If your company is the single source for store brand items you sell to us, we expect you to implement data ...


UNFI GDS Overview and Benefits

OVERVIEW Global Data Synchronization (GDS) is the preferred method for new item creation in the UNFI Conventional item management system.  Suppliers should publish all new items via GDS which is fully integrated with our eNewItem portal on SVHarbor...


UNFI 2021 One GLN Announcement

UNFI 2021 One GLN Announcement   As of September 25th, we have consolidated all UNFI Global Data Synchronization activity into one GLN!   What's changing? Everything now synchronizes via one GLN: 0041130079153 ("UNFI Corporate", formerly labeled "Mi...

UNFI Retired GLNs

In June UNFI started the process to purge retired GLNs from the Global Registry and plans to have the process completed by the end of the calendar year. If you are seeing rejections from our retired GLNs, this is part of the UNFI rejection process a...

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