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Knowledge Base Articles

How to Use GDSN for Amazon

Today, Amazon does not fully utilize the GDSN the way many other data recipients use it.  The process varies and if not completed correctly, requires unique troubleshooting.  One of the biggest differences is the process after publication to Amazon ...

2022 GDSN Satisfaction Survey

You are invited to participate in the GS1 GDSN Satisfaction Survey. Your responses will help improve the network over the coming year, so you can share increasingly timely and reliable product information. The survey will take approximately 5 minute...


How to Confirm Metadata for DAM Images

There are many ways to download your images to review their metadata but not all are accurate.  If you are uploading images into DAM and are encountering metadata issues, we recommend you review your image metadata via this link below.  This tool do...

Alternate Item ID vs GTIN

A recipient reached out to say that our "items were updated to show the GTIN as your item number. I have updated our system back to the 5 digit item number." There hasn't been any changes to the item numbers that are published to the recipient. My gu...

How Do I Update My Item for Wakefern?

Wakerfern offers a particular process when suppliers need to update items that are published to them.  Per the current Wakefern Implementation Guide, they cannot accept changes/modifications for new items that are already in the process of being set...

TI / HI Validations

Anytime a supplier publishes a GTIN hierarchy with a parent GTIN that is a Pallet, certain validations are applied to meet TI/HI requirements.  If this is not submitted correctly, you could see review messages from your trading partners after public...

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