IM Knowledge & Troubleshooting
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Knowledge Base Articles

Alternate Item ID vs GTIN

A recipient reached out to say that our "items were updated to show the GTIN as your item number. I have updated our system back to the 5 digit item number." There hasn't been any changes to the item numbers that are published to the recipient. My gu...

TI / HI Validations

Anytime a supplier publishes a GTIN hierarchy with a parent GTIN that is a Pallet, certain validations are applied to meet TI/HI requirements.  If this is not submitted correctly, you could see review messages from your trading partners after public...

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Republishing in Item Management

Customers often ask about the Republishing functionality in Item Management and how they can leverage it. We hope this helps... Republishing in Item Management What?  The Republish functionality enables 1WorldSync IM information providers the abilit...

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IM - Short Description

A common error message found in IM is when the character limit for the attribute “Short Description / POS Desc. 1” is exceeded: Error: 1731: Field validation error (Short Description/POS Desc. 1[1:35])- Value specified is … The Short Description is ...

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Common Component Attributes

Use of the component attributes allows you to describe all products in a packaging hierarchy when the parent item contains child items that are not sold separately and, often, are not marked with consumer-level barcodes. In order to resolve this com...

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