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Information Providers for Kroger can encounter this error message in VIP when certain information is missing or if actions are taken out of order.  Let's take a look at how to troubleshoot this error message that is commonly sent via the Comments section for your item in Kroger PI/VIP.

Error MessageVIP Review Message: C999:Item Returned for Review:ITEM FOUND IN SUBMITTED STATUS 

This is a common error message received from Kroger most often when the Unit Indicators are not populated correctly. Learn More About Best Practices for Unit Indicators.  For example, if multiple levels of your item hierarchy are setup up as Dispatch Unit Indicator = Yes, you could encounter this error. 

Potentially error message received may also be caused by other messages in the Comments section that you have not yet remedied.  When this is true, Kroger can sometimes use this more general error code letting you know action is still needed for your item.  

Customers often see this error message when they touched an item with the status "In Process Retailer." This will force the item to move back to In Process Supplier while keeping the Sales event section locked.  This issue will generate an error message when you try to resubmit the item. If you encounter this issue, the best practice is to contact Kroger's Supplier Engagement Team (SEG) and they can help you resolve the locked sales event.

Please post any questions you have below.



Valued Contributor

@CommunityJedi22, I came across this message in a few items I was topping off in VIP.  I called their customer service and was told that the items "were stuck in the system" and I would not receive an IMF.

She proceeded to locate the IFMs in their system and I submitted them to our distributor.

Thanks for the info above.

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3 of 3
Last update:
‎08-31-2023 12:44 PM
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