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Community Manager
Community Manager

Starting with the IM 8.24 Release on November 20, 2021, there was an additional validation that requires a value for “Number of Items/Pallet” when a value is present for Number of Trade Items Per Pallet Layer/Non GTIN Pallet Ti and Number of Complete Layers Contained in Item/Non GTIN Pallet Hi. 




This validation will trigger the “Completed with Warnings” result in your Worklist and Item History Report but will not prevent a CIN message after your update to Ti/Hi without the Number of Items/Pallet attribute populated with a value. 



Please note, if you remove the Ti/Hi values after you saved them in IM for your item, you could encounter this list of red, prohibitive error messages: 


If you do, there is an easy way to resolve these errors.  When you populate the Ti/Hi attributes, IM will automatically populate the RDD attributes just to the right of your values with “ALL” in case you want to vary these values by your trading partner. 

There is a known bug that will be corrected in a future release that shows these red error messages unless you also remove the “ALL” RDD attribute values.


Once you remove the “ALL” values as shown, go ahead and Save and then Validate.  It should validate successfully for you.

New Contributor

How do you populate NUMBER OF ITEMS/pallet - what goes in this field?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Good morning and thank you for reaching out via the community.  I pulled the details below from the IM Participant Dictionary.  I hope this helps.  If not, please let me know.


The number of trade items contained in a pallet. Only used if the pallet has no GTIN. It indicates the number of trade items placed on a pallet according to supplier or retailer preferences.


New Contributor II

@CommunityJedi22, I noticed this post and I am wondering why this validation was put in place?

For M2M users (e.g. Aligntrac's community), they are thinking that this warning is coming back as a CIC from their customers and confusing them, however, it is a message coming via the returning CATR transaction from IM.

I could not find any GDSN rule for this validation (or upcoming GDSN rule change), so I am wondering if you can expand on the reason for it?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello and thank you for your question.  I am checking on this for you.


Hi Aligntrac,

This message about the number of items per pallet is a 1WorldSync data quality warning. The indication it is a warning, which will not stop synchronization, is the message begins with the word "WARNING". If the message does not begin with "WARNING", then it is an error and has stopped sync to a recipient(S).

We have put this particular validation in place to notify suppliers of the recommendation to complete attributes related Non GTIN Pallet Ti/Hi information. 

1WorldSync performs validations on all items in IM based on several different factors. 

  1. GDSN Standard validations
  2. 1WorldSync system and data quality/completeness validations
  3. Recipient validations, based on playlists

All these validations may result in a warning (does not stop sync) or an error (does stop sync).

We post the messages (validation results) in several places. First, these are available in the growler and under the attribute in the IM GUI (online). Second, they can be viewed in the CIC Report. Lastly, we send a CIC Review so that our M2M and non 1WorldSync suppliers can have the messages to react to.

I hope this helps.

New Contributor II

Thank you Scott, this does help to clarify how WARNING messages work, but does not really explain why this particular validation was added (other than being recommended for non-pallet GTIN ti/hi) -- in checking further, the only other detail I can see is that this attribute is mandatory for McLane, UNFI, and possibly Schnuck's. Not sure if that is related.


If the Pallet has a GTIN, it is entered as a hierarchy level. On that GTIN, Number of Complete Layers Contained in Item/GTIN Pallet Hi (hi), Number of Items in a Complete Layer/GTIN Pallet Ti (ti), and Quantity of Next Level Item(s) (totalQuantityOfNextLowerTradeItem) would be provided. These 3 attributes provide ti/hi information.

If a supplier has a pallet which does not have a GTIN, to provide ti/hi information, they need to enter this information on the case level using the NonGTIN attributes- Number of Complete Layers Contained in Item/Non GTIN Pallet Hi (nonGTINPalletHi), Number of Trade Items Per Pallet Layer/Non GTIN Pallet Ti (nonGTINPalletTi), and Number of Items/Pallet (numberOfItemsPerPallet), These 3 attributes align to the same attributes which would be on the Pallet GTIN.

To help improve data quality/completeness, 1WorldSync set up system-wide warnings to alert suppliers when they have not used all 3 of these when any of them are used.

Version history
Revision #:
4 of 4
Last update:
‎12-14-2022 04:13 PM
Updated by: