Once your product content is successfully published to your trading partner(s), it is possible you may need to make changes to your published hierarchy. Some content changes can be made and when you save, an update (Modify message) will be sent to ...
The Message Center in Item Management (IM) is where users can monitor the different stages of processing when uploading and downloading FUSE files with product content. You can learn more about FUSE via the QuickSheets and the Training-Load Sheet (...
Customers can continue to access Quick Connect from IM after the sunsetting of the Solution Center, Simply log into IM, click Reports in the menu bar and then click Retrieve Other Files. This will take you directly to the Quick Connect interface. I...
Are you still toggling to the "CLassic" view of Item Management? With Classic being discontinued on February 25th, we want to make sure you've taken advantage of our Enhanced Item Management 101 webinars so your transition is much smoother. If ...
As part of the sunsetting of Classic IM on February 25, we want to make sure our users are aware of what they will encounter if they use a browser bookmark for Classic IM after it is sunset. If a user has the Classic IM URL bookmarked, once we sun...
Please watch the webinar hosted by our Product team that discusses the departure from Classic IM and best practices for using Enhanced IM, now known simply as "IM." Click HERE to watch this informative and helpful video. You can learn more about ut...
Please click HERE to watch this video hosted by our talented Product team.
Should I update the information for the Family tree by each item?Can't i do mass upload? such as using SDL?
A common question asked by our customers is how to unlink items in the IM GUI. Fortunately, this is an easy and straightforward process once you ensure your hierarchy meets the requirements before you attempt to break it. Before you unlink your h...
Item Management customers can request the 1WorldSync Technical Support team delete (purge) existing GTINs. This process requires information from the customer’s administrator for 1WorldSync applications (seen in UMA). If you would like to have GTI...
IM users sometimes encounter challenges when identifying their products, especially with changes GS1 made to attribute names. Please see below some additional explanations pulled from the IMPD for each of these attributes. Please post any addition...
Customers sometimes encounter the error "gdsn312 : Ordering Unit Indicator (isOrderableUnit) must be true for at least one GTIN within a hierarchical configuration." The error can vary by unit indicator that is needed. Let's look at how to resolve...
The process for discontinuing published/synchronized items allows information providers a method to communicate the need to break synchronization for an item that will no longer be sold to the recipient trading partner. Due to the automation of pro...
Despite all the work to create product content, link, validate and publish to your trading partners, sometimes errors occur that prevent your publication from processing fully. When you publish, IM performs validations to ensure minimally required ...
In the coming weeks, we will be making three key changes to the login flow to stay in compliance with current security standards. On June 5th, we implemented the first update: RESET PASSWORD HISTORY: During the Password reset process, users will ...
One of the more common questions we receive is about how to ensure your item link quantities in your hierarchy match the values for the attribute "Total Count of All Products." GS1 changed the name of this attribute from Qty of Next Level Items to ...
Error Message: GTIN has a GDSN Registry Status of (IN_PROGRESS) or (Null). GTIN information that is not yet registered with the GS1 Global Registry cannot be sent to the GDSN Network; How to Resolve: There is more than one way to lose registration s...
There are a few ways you can add your images to your product content in IM including DAM and the use of External File Links (EFL). You can even use your EFLs to add your images to DAM. Let's look at a common error that occurs when all required con...
Error Message: IM users sometimes encounter the error "Parent Link GTIN is having duplicate child links." The good news is this is a very easy error message to resolve. How to unlink and update an existing item hierarchy in IM: That error message...