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1WS Certification Status

I loaded new items and then I generated an Extract to review the items. I noticed a column on the report that I have not seen before. It is column ISI - 1WS Certification Status (owsCertificationStatus) = NR. What does this mean? I reviewed my items ...

JBailey by New Contributor
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Error message

Good morning,I have a few messages in my recipient responses asking me to fill in the inner pack. I'm not sure what it is asking for.The wording says: quantityOfNextLevelTradeItemWithinInnerPack - Quantity Of Next Level Trade Item Within Inner Pack m...

A_Flower by Contributor III
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Purge vs Discontinue

Looking to define the difference between Purging an item in IM or discontinuing an item.  Just recently started using IM but have been working with 1WS for years for PI customers.  Recently ran a fuse report and there are hundreds of items that need ...

Bellisio by New Contributor
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Upload File

When trying to upload a file, I got an error message that attribute shortDescription requires a value that is between 1 and 35 characters in length. .  The GTINs that this message applied to had Short Descriptions of 12 to 18 characters long.  How d...

gm12 by New Contributor II
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Meijer - Uniform Resource Identifier

Hi. I am publishing an item to Meijer and I do not have an image available. For the Referenced File Type Code, I selected Product Image, and for the Image Source, I entered Product Final Packaging Not Available Yet. When I validate under Meijer's pla...

helena by New Contributor II
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Recipient Request Review

I have several item sunder Recipient Request Review - most, if not all, have been corrected but the earlier date of the issue still shows up in this field.  When I check for Sync Exception Report on these items/customers, it comes back with no respon...

lflanary by Contributor II
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Stuck GTIN?

What do we do if we have a GTIN stuck in "in progress".  As far as I can tell it has been in that status for years.  It is actually an incorrect GTIN and we are trying to change the name on it so we know its an error item but we can't do anything bec...

Resolved! GS1 Standardized File Name - Images

Good morning - so we currently have an image named 10096423827222_C1RM and then I am seeing a field where GS1 Standardized File Name: 10096423827222_C1CA..............................is this GS1 file name telling me that we have our image named incor...

S_Fatla by New Contributor II
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CIC Error Message - Images

We recently received the error, "CHANGE_BY_REFRESH_MESSAGE" Please send a Change by Refresh message from Gordon Food Service. How do we fix this error? We have not changed anything with the images we currently have for the products that are producing...

FoodieToo by New Contributor II
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Linking Items

I am trying to publish an hierarchy for GTIN 00800093502845 which is a case that contains 4 each of 00012292002457 and 00800093502722.  Obviously the eaches are published in 1World on their own. But I keep getting an error when I try to publish them ...

hcraig by New Contributor
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Resolved! Nutritional view

Why is it that sometimes the nutritionals show up in one giant grid with the ability to create a NFP panel and sometimes they are in there separately?  I asked technical support and they told me it had to do with the playlist, but i have two items us...

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