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Knowledge Base Articles

Accepted Hierarchy Structures by Lowe’s

Lowe's accepts only certain GTIN structires that are published to them in the GDSN.  Please refer to thelist below when creating your GTIN hierarchies for Lowe's and anytime you get validation errors related to hierarchy from Lowe's. Accepted Hierar...

Lowe's Accepted Values for Packaging Type Code

Lowe's does not accept the full GDSN valid value list for all attributes, including those for Packaging Type Code.  This is a required attribute for Lowe's so please be careful to choose from this list when populating Packaging Type Code: Packaging ...

How to Populate Model Number for Lowe’s

Lowe’s requires suppliers to provide the “Model Number” on every GTIN in a hierarchy published to them.  For Lowe’s, the model number value can include a dash or hyphen but no other special characters.  There are two ways to identify this attribute ...

Lowe's KBA - Model Number.png

Lowe’s Extended (Partner Specific) Attributes

Lowe’s Extended (Partner Specific) Attributes These attributes are required on every level of the supplier hierarchy on all publications to Lowe’s but not every extended attribute is required as some depend on the type of product you sell to Lowe’s....

Lowe's Order Sizing Factor UOM

Please populate the attribute on each level of your GTIN hierarchy. In Enhanced Item Management (EIM), select the Lowe’s Playlist and search for the attribute.  EIM will present the attribute to you. If required by Lowe’s, please populate the attrib...

Order Sizing Factor.png

Lowe’s Error Message Related to MSDS

Lowe’s Error Message Related to MSDS Please populate the attribute on each level of your GTIN hierarchy. In Enhanced Item Management (EIM), select the Lowe’s Playlist and search for the attribute.  EIM will present the attribute to you. Suppliers of...

Lowe's United Nations Dangerous Goods Number

Please populate the attribute on each level of your GTIN hierarchy. In Enhanced Item Management (EIM), select the Lowe’s Playlist and search for the attribute.  EIM will present the attribute to you. Please populate the attribute on each level of yo...

UN Dangerous Goods.png
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