on 07-31-2020 08:22 AM
Lowe’s Extended (Partner Specific) Attributes
These attributes are required on every level of the supplier hierarchy on all publications to Lowe’s but not every extended attribute is required as some depend on the type of product you sell to Lowe’s.
At a minimum, best practice is to always populate these attributes: Item Contains Wood, Special Order Available, Direct Consumer Delivery, Subject to US Patent, Is Security Tag Present, Environmental Identifier and Hazmat Classification.
If you populate “Is Security Tag Present” as Yes, please also populate Security Tag Commit. You can click the calendar next to the attribute window and select the appropriate date.
If you populated “Special Order Available” as Yes, please populate Min Spl Order Qty, Spl Order Increment and Spl Order Lead Time.
When you complete the Lowe’s extended attributes for your GTIN, click “Save.”