can we update SKU nos
can we update SKU nos
What affect does changing the Consumer Unit to "Yes" or "No" have on recipients who I have already published to. Example: We sell a case of pop to Store "A", who is going to sell it to the consumer by the inner pack, not the inner unit (the inner pa...
Hi I republished this item but it did not solve the error, kindly guide.10070273204013:CIC999:UPC/GTIN NOT FOUNDThanks.
Good afternoon! I have to update a large number of items and I have only been able to update an handful today since the website has been so slow saving the information once I click on the "Save" button. Also, it has taken me a long time getting to ...
I delisted an item in Kroger VIP. How can I make changes to it and then relist the item and an "initial load"?
We keep receiving an error in Kroger PI on the main page of an item PI99026 This data is not compliant with the current GDSN Standards and cannot be processed. You will need to update the item(s) in your data pool. Please contact your Customer Suppor...
I said I would attend a webinar (didn't register). How do I un-attend? Or is it fine because I did not register. Thanks!
Using simple search I am getting a message that 1 of 2 matches are shown but the screen is literally blank. Is 1Sync having loading issues today?
Hi team,We have received a CIC error message for Kroger but don't know how to proceed. Kindly guide.I did email to the email address mentioned in the error message but received no reply. 10011110089011:CIC999:Item Returned for Review:VENDOR TO RESUBM...
Where do I find Specific Relationship in IM Enhanced?
I just saw this error message on my worklist, which I had not seen before (please, see attached screenshot). Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
For the US Market/catatog, can both imperial & metric be sent to GS1, 1WS for an item? or can we register the item only in imperial or decimal & not both ?
What does this value mean? So lost.
We've published Case level data successfully, but the Each level has not published. It says data verification error. We cannot find the errors. In the link section, it says both the Case and Each level have validated successfully. The Each level ...
What is the best practice for managing discontinued Private Label (PL) items in IM under our GLN? For database "optimization", is it best to request deleting the GTIN from our GLN in 1WS and the GS1 Registry? Since they are PL GTIN's we potentially ...
I published this GTIN 70011110123878 to Kroger this morning around 8:13 CST. The item still says pending synchronization. When I check the subscription schedule report, it showed that the last run was today at 11:16 CST. Any ideas why this item is st...
Hello, Where in 1WS can I enter an additional identifier - mfg product number? I am not seeing this slot for my listed items. Thank you.
Is anyone else having trouble with IM and the Image Metadata section running excessively slow? I'm trying to look at images and it's so slow it's almost unusable. I think 110 Mbps is plenty fast to run this information... I run it on a lot less in ot...
Hello, Today while researching issues with some items, I discovered several of my GTINs have been published to exactly 102 GLNs. I can run the publication report by GTIN or perform Manage Publications by GTIN and in every instance I looked at there ...
00070800180431 has been published to Kroger. The DAM images are visible in Item Management, but not Product Introduction. How do I get them to syndicate to Krogers Product Introduction?
Hello - I have searched but have not found how to fix this error. I have about 30 items this has affected. Please let me know how to fix this error? thank you!
Hi, I'm trying to publish an item for Wegmans, Package and Units are good, but when trying to validate the case level at the hierarchy Im getting this error: Your parent and child direct link quantities should match your parent Item Quantity of Nex...
Getting below error, please help to resolve this10041820822004:CIC999:GTIN10041820822004 should be reviewed. See additional information.:GTIN10041820822004 At least one item in the hierarchy must have a File Information Type whose value is PRODUCT_IM...
Good morning! Has anyone else been having an issue with the 1WS shortcut not working on their browser? I have attempted several times to add the shortcut, but it has not worked for me like before. I've been having to go through the website to sign o...
Hi Team please can you check the traffic inbound to IM Pre-prod? we are experiencing delays in responses as well as updates in worklist. I am guessing this is a repeat of yesterday's (22 Nov) traffic issue.
Could you please help with what should be the packaging type code?00041820822014:CIC999: packagingTypeCode - This field is required.:CHANGE_BY_REFRESH_MESSAGE: Please send a Change by Refresh
Is pre-prod message processing working today? I am testing changes and none seem to be reaching pre-prod. Last Friday (Nov. 18) it was working fine. Thanks for checking.
How do I add that a product is non-gmo project verified?
publishing under GLN 074759900003 i have changed the case level weight value, validate and also validated at the pallet level for item 42351, but the new weight will not flow into PI. McLane indicated there is nothing on their end. the publication ...
I am attempting to export a Publications Report, filtered on one our trading partner's GLNs. The data set is 800+ items. It is generating an error and not showing as pending in the Messages. Is this a known issue? Thank you