on 09-03-2020 09:25 AM
A common error message in IM occurs when valid values are not used for an attribute.
Error: The value for the attribute packagingInformation/platformTermsAndConditionsCode is not contained within the enumerated list of valid value(s) (FLEXItem) in the packagingInformation segment;
The attribute “Platform Terms And Conditions Code” indicates if the platform in the prescribed pallet configuration is rented, exchangeable, against deposit, or one way (not reusable). It has an 80 character limit. For a list of valid values for this attribute refer to the Valid Value Sheet under the Valid Value List name of platformTermsAndConditionsCode.
If you encountered this error message, please correct your value for this attribute using a value from below:
The below results are accurate as of IMPD version IM8.16_v5: