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Can we publish our items generally or do we have to publish each SKU to each retailer. For instance SKU JUW214, if we want it available to 5 of the retailers who subscribe to 1 world, do we have to publish that SKU to each individual retailer, or if ...

Ryan1 by New Contributor
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Resolved! IM PreProd

First of all, HAPPY THANKSGIVING - I am thankful for the awesome contributors in this community platform! Second, is there a delay in processing files in IM PreProd?  We sent a file yesterday via AS/2 and have not received responses back nor are the ...

Item Management

I have been synchronizing items for years now, I have been using both the enhanced and the classic view.   currently on the enhanced view.... Not understanding why is it being requested to fill out the NON GTIN TI and Hi on the pallet level then when...

Bvalentine by New Contributor II
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Resolved! Shamrock Foods-Not Populating in IM

Hello, I am unable to find Shamrock Foods (GLN 0028300000018) in IM. We have published to them in the past and all of the sudden when I try to type their name or enter their GLN # under "Recipient" field its not populating. Did something change?

Kasia by Contributor
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Item Marked for Review

Hello,We submitted two new items into 1World Sync, after they were submitted we received two messages stating that Kroger has marked the items for review. What are the next steps of action? How are you able to confirm what needs to be reviewed by the...

S2 by New Contributor II
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Attribute Definitions

I am setting up new items and updating existing items within item management, how do I find a dictionary for all the attributes that need to be filled out and instructions on how I push through the product to Kroger once all attributes filled in?

Denisee by New Contributor
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Resolved! Display Ready Pallet Ti x Hi issues

I have been unable to get a Display Ready Pallet published to Mclane for a Sam's Club purchase.  I've followed all of the advice I found in previous posts, and used the work around of removing the ALL recipient as suggested in the New Validation feed...

Tkentosh by New Contributor II
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Resolved! Repeating error

I must have created an error on my template I use because I am getting this same error on every item i try to submit. Any idea where i need to look on the FUSE report to correct this error?   Errors            SLTL0012 : The file could not be process...

credcat7 by Contributor II
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Resolved! IM Validation PREPROD vs PROD

Hi - we are doing some testing in the IM PREPROD environment and have noticed a validation error/warning that is not consistent between PREPROD and PROD.  When we sent a CASE record to PREPROD via XML, we received an warning for the attribute 'number...


Good afternoon, Can someone please tell me if 1Sync is having issues? I published a couple of items yesterday morning, and the system hasn't updated since 8:12:16 yesterday morning. I really need to be sure these items published, but they're not show...

A_Flower by Contributor III
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Resolved! Inner Pack or?

I have a trade item, it is a 45lb case of fish. it is a bulk item and is sold only as a 45lb. case. Inside it has 3/15lb boxes of fish called shatter packs. Their purpose is for ease of thawing. They are NOT sold as eaches and do NOT have a GTIN. I d...

Jezebel by New Contributor II
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Kroger PI capabilities

When i look in PI for my Kroger items I am seeing an inconsistency and am wondering what the root cause is.   Some items are allowing edits to Feature benefits within the PI portal nd other have the fields locked.  I am trying to understand why this ...

credcat7 by Contributor II
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Preliminary Item Status Code

Hi - this is a 2-part question... 1.  Where is the Preliminary Item Status Code attribute in the Enhanced view?  I can find it in Classic but not not able to locate it in Enhanced and I tried including multiple playlists. 2.  We are a data supplier a...

Resolved! Publish as New or Republish

I have seasonal items that are getting new gross weights to meet McLane tolerances.  Once the weights are saves and validated in IM do I REPUBLISH in IM or Publish as New?  I am not pulling a FUSE and using the Modify action so I need to know the equ...

credcat7 by Contributor II
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