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Shipper/Display Set Up- Parent Link is having duplicate child links

New Contributor

I am trying to set up a shipper/display that has a different configuration from another shipper/display that already exists in 1WS. The new shipper has 36 units vs the existing shipper has 18 units.

Since I checked that this new shipper is not a "Base Unit" in the hierarchy I had to create the Hierarchy associated with that shipper i.e. what trade items are found in the display. However, when I attempted to do this I got an error message that said that the "Parent Link (the new shipper) has duplicate child links" (because they are already associated with the existing shipper in 1WS). Both displays contain similar trade items just in different quantities. What is the best way to go about this? Should I just indicate that this is the "Base Unit" in the hierarchy? I would like to keep both displays as we have retailers that are trying to order both. 

31 Replies

New Contributor II

@Julie Once I refreshed the page, and went back and updated the count, everything worked. I was able to publish the items accordingly. Thank you again!

@dmarsh that is wonderful news. I am glad we were able to help you publish your hierarchy, have a great day!