01-05-2022 12:32 PM
I did an export to change marketing information. I need one field that contains Recipient Category Destination to now be blank as the customer is no longer valid. How do you make a field blank when using append and not modify?
01-05-2022 05:07 PM
Hello and good question. You actually cannot remove values via an Append operation but can do so with a Modify. The Modify is a full refresh of all values while an Append only updates what is populated that you upload.
01-05-2022 05:09 PM
Ok, riddle me this batman...if i only exported the ecomm playlist and do a modify, will it override everything? Like nutritional info and everything that wasn't exported?
01-05-2022 05:09 PM
Extract the item and ONLY change the field you wished changed using a Modify. A modify will refresh every field so anything that remains the same in the sheet it will overwrite with the same information. Blank out the Recipient Category Destination and it should clear it.
01-05-2022 05:12 PM
bummer. ok...thank you