06-16-2023 12:08 PM
I have setup the Pallet/CS/EA hierarchy where the pallet has a GTIN. In the hierarchy of all 3 I have listed the TI/Hi for the GTIN option, but I keep getting the message that I need the Number of layer per non-GTIN pallet (which this is not) and when I populate that information I get an error that I shouldn't have populated that information. I'm at a loss... what am I missing?
06-16-2023 01:28 PM
Hello and welcome back to the Community. Would you be able to confirm what GTIN you are seeing this error on? While looking at the Worklist and recent transactions I see this on a Pallet Case hierarchy with a mixture of publications for both levels. Thanks in advance for the additional information.
06-16-2023 02:18 PM
50027000736512 |
00027000089859 |
50027000754516 |
50027000633361 |
50027000615046 |
50027000615039 |
50027000690043 |
50027000690036 |
50027000642356 |
00027000650042 |
50027000612342 |
50027000633347 |
50027000089847 |
50027000612861 |
50027000690265 |
50027000690869 |
50027000612267 |
50027000612649 |
50027000650863 |
20069588645359 |
50027000650016 |
50027000690340 |
50027000690647 |
I'm sure I'm missing a data point somewhere, I'm just out of ideas. This seems to be specific to Kroger and Albertsons. Thanks!
06-16-2023 02:57 PM
Hello! I took some time to review some of your items. For all hierarchies that have a Pallet GTIN in them, I recommend populating the Number of Units per Layer in a GTIN/GTIN Pallet Ti and the Number of Layers per GTIN/GTIN Pallet Hi. Please be sure not to input any non-GTIN Ti/Hi information in hierarchies containing a Pallet GTIN.
Only for hierarchies not containing a Pallet GTIN would I recommend adding the Number of Units per Layer in a non-GTIN Pallet/Non-GTIN Pallet Ti and the Number of Layers per non-GTIN Pallet/Non-GTIN Pallet Hi.
Please update your items accordingly and then save your changes. If you still have issues afterwards please let us know!
06-20-2023 09:26 AM
I've gone through and updated everything, but now I get this error message: 2802 WARNING On the highest hierarchy level both Number of Layers per non-GTIN Pallet/Non GTIN Pallet Hi (nonGTINPalletHi) and Number of Units per Layer in a non-GTIN Pallet/Non GTIN Pallet Ti (nonGTINPalletTi) must be populated.
This is where it gets all loopy, if I add, I'll get errors saying it needs to be one or the other, if I change I still get errors. Here are a couple of examples:
00027000690642 |
50027000089847 |
10027000737306 |
06-20-2023 09:56 AM
Hello foodingredients,
06-20-2023 10:02 AM
Ok that is what I thought, so then why would Albertsons and Kroger be sending me this message that I need to populate both? In all of those cases, I have a pallet and therefore I have populated the GTIN version.
06-20-2023 10:23 AM
Hi foodingredients,
May apologies, I should've clarified. Only when you publish from the Pallet level should you populate the attributes Number of Units per Layer in a GTIN/GTIN Pallet Ti / Number of Layers per GTIN/GTIN Pallet Hi.
The 3 GTINs you provided were published at those GTIN levels:
00027000690642 - CA (case)
50027000089847 - DS (display)
10027000737306 - CA (case)
So for the publications at the GTIN levels above, you should populate Number of Units per Layer in a non-GTIN Pallet/Non GTIN Pallet Ti / Number of Layers per non-GTIN Pallet/Non GTIN Pallet Hi
06-21-2023 09:27 AM
Ok so now based on what you have said all of my pallet level items have the GTIN information provided and the CS and EA have the non-GTIN information provided, and I'm still getting errors. Here is are a few examples of errors that were posted yesterday
2802 WARNING On the highest hierarchy level both Number of Layers per non-GTIN Pallet/Non GTIN Pallet Hi (nonGTINPalletHi) and Number of Units per Layer in a non-GTIN Pallet/Non GTIN Pallet Ti (nonGTINPalletTi) must be populated.
2798 WARNING Count of This Specific Item in a Non-GTIN Logistic Unit/NonGTIN Pallet Quantity (numberOfItemsPerPallet) must be provided.
I've checked my data and the information is there and is as you suggested, so any other tips you may have would be greatly appreciated.
06-21-2023 10:17 AM
Hello, You are receiving this error due to the incorrect "TI/'HI" being populated. GTIN 50027000089847 is currently set up as a "Display" > "Each" GTIN. Currently, the TI/HI is completed for a "Pallet". Attached below contains a screenshot. Please populate the "Non-GTIN Pallet/Non GTIN Pallet Ti". Please make the proper corrections for the additional GTINs. Please let us know if you have any additional questions. Thanks!