IM Issues & Messages
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Knowledge Base Articles

Known Bug for NFP in IM - Posted 4.25.2023

The 1WS tech teams identified an issue impacting how the values for Calories are presented in the NFP in IM.  This appears to only be in IM as Digital Catalog NFPs are displaying correctly.  These codes will still be sent in the GDSN or OSCIN as the...


Slowness In IM 3.21.23

Hello, our technology teams are looking into the slow processing we are seeing in IM today.  Customers and our teams are seeing slowness in IM when opening GTINs, uploading images, and some other functionality.  I will post more here as we have upda...

Backlog of IM Transactions in Prod - 3.6.2023

Hello.  We are seeing a backlog of transactions in Item Management today that is causing processing delays.  Our customers may see delays with transactions to IM when using the IM GUI, FUSE, or AS2.  We expect the backlog to resolve today and apolog...

Backlog for Inbound iIM Transactions - 4.5.24

Good afternoon and Happy Friday.  Our technical teams identified a backlog of transactions in Item Management today.  Customers are seeing delays with item uploads and updates.  The systems are processing but transactions are taking longer to due to...

GPC Code Changes for IM 8.43 Release

As part of the Item Management (IM) 8.43 release on November 18, 2023, the Global Product Classification (GPC) codes listed below will be deleted from IM, as they have been removed from the GDSN standard. 10005276        Lubricant Containers/Dispens...

Backlog of IM Transactions in Prod - 1.19.2023

We are seeing a backlog of transactions in Item Management today that is causing processing delays.  Our customers may see delays with transactions to IM when using the IM GUI, FUSE, or AS2.  We expect the backlog to resolve today and apologize for ...

GPC Code Changes for IM 8.32 Release

As part of the Item Management (IM) 8.32 release on November 19, 2022, the Global Product Classification (GPC) codes listed below will be deleted from IM, as they have been removed from the GDSN standard. 10001811 Cycles - Replacement Parts10002455 ...


Attribute Name & Definition Changes in IM

With the September release (IM 8.31), there are some changes that will take effect which will align Item Management with the GS1 Global Data Model (GDM) work. GDM has set up a model for global and regional attributes. These attributes provide a basi...

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