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Knowledge Base Articles

FAQ: SKU Production & Status

How long does it take for my requested SKUs to be delivered? Any SKU you request first goes through our automatic and, if needed, manual mapping process. Then, if applicable, through the production process. One or two days after the SKU request uploa...

FAQ: Extranet

How do I enter a quality claim ? Go to the "Claims" tab, then "Add a claim". Be sure to enter all of the information requested into the fields provided. Please keep in mind that 1WorldSync builds product data sheets primarly from information provide...

FAQ: Distribution

Do I have to download all images? No. You can download all the images and host them yourself. Or, let 1WorldSync host the images, and use the links provided to access the images. The images links are stored in the digital content table. How can I get...

FAQ: Data Information

How can I see what Digital Content I receive? The list of digital content media types that your account is set up to receive is provided in the table cds_digital_content_media_types (cds_DigContent_Media_Types if you use the ContentConnector).It can...

FAQ: Consumption

What is the consumption limit (CMS), and how does it work? The CMS is your yearly SKU consumption limit, as stated in your DataSource agreement. Only datasheets that have been shipped count towards the limit. The limit is reset at the beginning of e...