How long does it take for my requested SKUs to be delivered?
- Any SKU you request first goes through our automatic and, if needed, manual mapping process. Then, if applicable, through the production process. One or two days after the SKU request upload, you can view the SKU’s status code in the cds_Catalog_Info (or cds_Catalog) table.
Here are typical production turnaround times:
If the requested SKU is mapped to an existing, released SKU from the DataSource worldwide catalog, expect delivery within one or two working days.
If the requested SKU is mapped to an existing SKU ‘in production’, or if the SKU is not mapped to any existing SKU, the SKU will go through the production process. Expected delivery depends of your contractual terms.
If the requested SKU is mapped to an existing ‘on hold’ SKU, the delivery time cannot be determined. This is because required information about the requested product has not yet been made available by the manufacturer
If the requested SKU is mapped to an existing rejected SKU, expect delivery of this information within one or two working days
Note that these turnaround time estimates are not applicable if you have exceeded your daily bandwidth. For more details about bandwidth, please check the FAQ “What is the contractual bandwidth, and how does it work?” above.
What status can a SKU have?
- PUSH, CategoryBase or SupplierBase accounts
Your SKUs will have one of these two statuses:
Shipped: SKUs that have been delivered to the customer’s account FTP
Ready for delivery: SKUs that have been produced or updated but not yet delivered
Note: ‘Partial SKUs’ (SKUs for which the specifications have not been completed yet) will have either ‘In data capture’ , ‘On hold’ , or ‘No data found’ statuses.
- PULL or CatalogBase accounts
The SKUs will have one of the following statuses:
Shipped: SKUs that have been delivered to the customer’s account FTP
Ready for delivery: SKUs that have been produced or updated but not yet delivered
Prelaunch: SKUs that have future release date provided by manufacturer
In-Production statuses:
Buffered (Unmapped): SKUs that have not been mapped to CCS SKU ID yet
Production (In data capture): SKUs that are currently in data capture
On hold: In production SKUs that cannot be completed yet because the data is not available from the manufacturers
Rejection statuses:
Invalid Manufacturer: SKUs that were requested with incorrect or unrecognized manufacturer
Invalid Part Number: The requested manufacturer part number is invalid
Out of scope: The type of the requested products is not covered by CCS Product Data Model
No data found: SKUs that do not have enough information available from the manufacturers
Restricted: Requested SKU type is not covered by current contract or forbidden for delivery by manufacturer
Note: ‘Partial SKUs’ (SKUs for which the specifications have not been completed yet) will have either ‘In data capture’ , ‘On hold’ , or ‘No data found’ statuses.
When can I expect an ‘On hold’ SKU to be completed and delivered?
- SKUs are set to 'On hold' status when some of the required information about the product has not been made available by the manufacturer. These SKUs are periodically reviewed by our Production Team. If the information becomes available, the SKUs will be completed and released/delivered to you. If, after a longer period of time, the manufacturer has still not published the product information, the SKUs will be rejected as 'No data found'. If you have access to original manufacturer information about such SKUs, don't hesitate to share them with us. As a distributor or reseller, you may have access to certain manufacturer's documents that are not available to us.
Why is it not advisable to request a lot of SKUs at once?
- If you request numerous SKUs requiring manual mapping or production, you will exceed your daily bandwidth. You would then risk losing control over your requested SKUs, because production of the pending SKUs will then depend on regular prioritization. You may also risk exceeding your contractual yearly CMS.
How can I know which SKUs are available in DataSource catalog?
- Yes, there is an option to get partial data when a product has not yet been released, or if the product is rejected or on hold. A partial delivery includes a limited number of components. Please contact the Customer Support team for more details.
What are Iconic SKU (iSKU) and how are they process?
- Product of any brand that is going to become a top seller in the near future (as well as first-party accessories for such flagship products).
- The Objectives and Goals are:
- to have SKUs available in clients catalogs as soon as possible with superior quality and completeness.
- Early detection and proactive creation of the SKUs
- Fast production
- Perfect quality
For Which Brands are you applying iSKU Processes?
- Apple
Dates of launch
- May/June
- September/October
- Categories
- AA (Desktops & Servers), AB (Notebooks), AC (Tablets & e-Book Readers)
- DA (Keyboards), DB (Pointing Devices), EA (Monitors)
- JK (Digital AV Players & Recorders), KB (Portable Audio), KD (Speakers), KE (Headsets & Microphones)
- PB (Mobile Phones)
- PJ (Wearable Electronics)
- Samsung
Dates of launch
- July/August
- Categories
- AA (Desktops & Servers), AB (Notebooks), AC (Tablets & e-Book Readers)
- DA (Keyboards), DB (Pointing Devices), EA (Monitors)
- KD (Speakers), KE (Headsets & Microphones)
- PB (Mobile Phones)
- PJ (Wearable Electronics)
- Microsoft
Dates of launch
- Categories
- AA (Desktops & Servers), AB (Notebooks), AC (Tablets & e-Book Readers)
- DA (Keyboards), DB (Pointing Devices), EA (Monitors)
- KD (Speakers), KE (Headsets & Microphones)
- PB (Mobile Phones)
- PJ (Wearable Electronics)
Dates of launch
- Categories
- AA (Desktops & Servers), AB (Notebooks), AC (Tablets & e-Book Readers)
- DA (Keyboards), DB (Pointing Devices), EA (Monitors)
- KD (Speakers), KE (Headsets & Microphones)
- PB (Mobile Phones)
- PJ (Wearable Electronics)
- Razer
Dates of launch
- Categories
- AA (Desktops & Servers), AB (Notebooks)
- DA (Keyboards), DB (Pointing Devices)
- KD (Speakers), KE (Headsets & Microphones)