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What is the consumption limit (CMS), and how does it work?

  • The CMS is your yearly SKU consumption limit, as stated in your DataSource agreement. Only datasheets that have been shipped count towards the limit. The limit is reset at the beginning of each agreement renewal term. Consumption can be monitored in the “Consumption statistics” section of the Extranet (Production tab > Consumption statistics). Only CatalogBase accounts have a contractual CMS. SupplierBase accounts do not have a CMS.

What is the contractual bandwidth, and how does it work?

  • The contractual bandwidth is the amount of datasheets that we can produce for you on a daily basis. This limit applies only to SKUs that need to be built; therefore, only CatalogBase accounts have a contractual bandwidth. All the SKUs that are auto-mapped will not consume bandwidth.

How can I keep track of consumption?

  • Consumption can be monitored in the “Consumption statistics” section of the Extranet (Production tab > Consumption statistics). Your Customer Support representative will contact you when your consumption reaches 80%, then again when it reaches 100%.
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1 of 1
Last update:
‎06-26-2023 08:00 AM
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