04-26-2022 04:01 PM
In Kroger VIP, why is Allergen Type Code information needed as required field? I am trying to add a non-food item and none of the allergens apply and there is not a N/A or None option? The exact error is:
I am also getting the following error codes and need help with these too. Is there someone I can call to help figure this out?
11-20-2023 08:46 AM
Hello @Rosemary and @RichardFamma, thank you both for replying in the Community. To summarize the conversation to this point:
When you get an error stating that an attribute has a "Violation of max or min field length" look at the attribute listed on the GTIN listed in the error and make sure that is has between x and y character length (x:y).
For linking errors when using the Kroger SDL you would need to make sure that the full 14-digit GTIN is filled in for the column and that those fields are formatted as "text".
@Rosemary if you are getting errors on specific GTINs now can you please provide an example so we can look into them?
11-20-2023 09:04 AM
Hello Justin
When we set up the GTINs we didn't have any issue with them. We took our 12 Digit UPC and added the two 00 to it. I have attached the list with the Baby GTINS for each item by size we used to upload in Kroger VIP. At the time of the upload there wasn't any problems which was in January of 2023. so, I am unsure why now you are getting errors now after all these months.
Thank you
11-20-2023 10:11 AM
Hi @Rosemary. I have spot-checked the list sent and do not see any errors when validating and in the comment section, the last message is from the start of May. Can you advise where you are seeing these errors listed at?
11-20-2023 10:15 AM
Hi Justin
I am not seeing any Errors. Richard is advising there are errors but I don't recognize the GTIN # he is providing.
11-20-2023 10:31 AM
Hi Rosemary,
The screen grabs I shared are what I worked with and those are our GTINs. I provided only an example of what I did to correct our errors.
11-20-2023 10:41 AM
Hi Richard
So are we all good here? The issues have been fixed?
Thank you
11-20-2023 10:47 AM
Hi @Rosemary, yes there are no issues to resolve. You had none and @RichardFamma was just providing examples from when he had a similar issue in the past.
11-20-2023 11:12 AM
Great collaboration and team work ...