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Item Case Total Count of Products Update Help

New Contributor II

Hi there, working on updating some issues that were input incorrectly perviously.  Needing to update the "Total Count of All Products" in our case pack, it was input as 1 but it should be 7 items per case.  I am getting the following error message: Cannot change the value of Qty of Next Level Item(s); (10860006870420) if hierarchy is published

How can we update the Total Count of All Products info for these cases?

Help! Thanks!

7 Replies



Welcome to the Community! There is a way to delete the publication.  You can do this in Item Management by going to Manage Publications > Search for the GTIN(s) > Click the box in the appropriate row > Click the DELETE PUBLICATION button for the correct recipient > Close the confirmation window. Completing this action will place a lock on the hierarchy for 25 hours.  After the 25 hours has passed, you can make the necessary changes and publish the item again. Once the publications is successfully deleted the system will allow the attribute to be updated. 


Thank you!  If the item is published to multiple recipients, do we need to DELETE PUBLICATION for all recipients in order to update the item in 1WS?  Then republish to all?  We were getting the error message in response to editing the item itself & saving in 1WS, not republishing.

Hello, @Nightingale, and welcome back!

Yes, all publications to all recipients must be deleted to unpublish the item and the Case should be published back to your customers once all changes have been made.

Updates to the "Total Count of All Products" or to the Links cannot be done while the item is published, so that is why this Delete is required.

There are a couple of scenarios when the item must be unpublished and a 25-hour wait period is needed, a change to the "Total Count of All Products" (the old attribute name was "Quantity of Next Level Items") being one of them. Please take a look at  THIS   article for additional information.

Hope this helps and please let us know if you have additional questions.

Thank you!  One last question - when republishing, we'll be sending these items to Kroger VIP -- when we republish, should these items be published to VIP as New or Initial Load?


Welcome back to our online community, Can you advise what you are trying to accomplish with the publications? If you need to reconfigure the hierarchy structure then it would be new because you are submitting a new hierarchy.

If you don't need to unpublish the hierarchy then you can just save & register which will send the changes across.

Thank you!




Thank you!  Our original info had been input incorrectly, hierarchy linked and published.  The Total Count on All Products was input incorrectly, it was listed as 1 but it should be 7 items per case.  I was getting an error that I could not change the Total Count on All Products since the hierarchy was published.  We are making these updates in order to submit via Kroger VIP.  I have now unpublished these Cases from Kroger and am in the 25 hour wait period before I can update the total product count, unlink the hierarchys, re link them and republish. 

Wondering, when we republish to Kroger, should these items be published as Initial Load or New?  They had been published to Kroger VIP previously and I want to make sure I republish correctly.


Hello, @Nightingale, it’s good chatting with you again.

A new hierarchy structure for your item would indicate this is a New item for Kroger, unless Kroger has specifically asked that you submit it as  Current (Initial load) instead.
The fact that the previous configuration was incorrect would also suggest this should be a New item for them.

I checked the status of your item and noticed it has now been resubmitted as New and an IMF triggered.

Hope this helped and please let us know if you have additional questions.