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Hierarchy Configuration mismatch

New Contributor II


I have a client that originally sent us a publication as a CA--> EA hierarchy. I sent the publication to Albertson's and they came back letting me know the items need to have inners. I had the client withdraw the items (I withdrew as well from Albertson's) , we waited the 25 hours and the client added the inners and published back to Emerson last night.

We are not seeing the configuration as CA-->PK-->EA that was sent by the client.

Albertson's has a deadline for this of tomorrow and I need to resolve this on the urgent side or at least give them an update as to where we are in sending the items over.

Can someone please help and take a look at the below three items and let me know why we would not receive ?




Thank you !!

1 Reply

Community Manager
Community Manager

I see Case GTIN 00051400963303 is linked to Package GTIN 10051400949267 which is linked to Each GTIN 00051400949260

I see Case GTIN 10051400963263 is linked to Package GTIN 20051400963260 which is linked to Each GTIN 00051400963266


I see Case GTIN 10051400931972 is linked to Each GTIN 00051400931975 - There is no inner linked in this configuration. What is the Package GTIN you are you wanting to link between this Case and Each?

I took a look and confirmed there are no active publications for the GTINs in this hierarchy so you should be able to unlink the Case and Each, link the Pack to the Case, and then the Each and publish. Please let me know if this works for you.