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Community Manager
Community Manager


New Contributor

Needs to be bigger so we can actually see it

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello and thank you for your feedback.  If you look in the bottom right corner as shown in the below screen capture, you can maximize for full-screen viewing...




New Contributor

If I am adding an item that will be sold as Random weight and has no upc on the package, Do I set up as just the final case rather than and item then the case? 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello and thank you for reaching out via the community.  Can you describe your packaging configuration to me and the product?  I would assume you have a UPC on the consumer level and are asking about how to represent the logistics unit but I want to make sure.

New Contributor

Hello, our products have both UPC and final case numbers, can you please advise if I should be using the UPC with the 00 added to the front or the master case number? Most of our products are single-packed master cartons.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello, I want to make sure I am providing the best answer.  Can you give me an example?

New Contributor


All of our items (with the exception of two) are in an individual master carton which has a barcode and master carton 14 digit UPC #. The boxes are then opened up on shelves to reveal a display package that has a barcode with a generic 12-digit UPC #. Should I be using the 14-digit master carton code or the 12-digit box UPC code? Both numbers are individually assigned to each item so there is no overlapping of numbers.

New Contributor

How do I get the video to print so I can get a step by step guide to follow.

New Contributor

I do a snip or screen shot and print them and make like a book. Try that.

Community Manager
Community Manager

I recommend you take a look here for guides we create to help with various topics we also discuss in the videos.


New Contributor


New Contributor

Did you click on the volume icon on bottom right of video?


Hello @MS1, would you be able to let me know if the suggestion from @fbasquez worked? Thank you.

New Contributor


When I enter the case -net content 24 Each, I get an error message as below. How do I correct it?



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello and welcome to the customer community.  Can you confirm you populated net content and the unit of measure?

New Contributor

Yes I entered 24 "Each"



Would you please provide the GTIN to allow 1 World Sync to review the item?


New Contributor


It went through when I logged out and back in to try again.

GTIN 10081481236826

Please check, it and let me know if okay. Thanks.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @Priya when we validate your GTIN at the Hierarchy level, we see the errors below:


Do you intend to add another level to this hierarchy like an Each (consumer Unit)? Is this going to be just a Case level?

New Contributor


I created hierarchy for the GTIN 10081481236826 "case of 24" to GTIN 00081481236829-"each" yesterday.

I then validated the hierarchy. It seemed to say successful.

Was it not? Please advise, thanks.

New Contributor


Screenshot of "EACH". Is it correct?

New Contributor




Hello Priya!

Great news! Both items do validate successfully!  I've also attached a link below to additional training located on our Community Platform that explain in great detail on how to operate Item Management. 



New Contributor

Is there a way to do a bulk upload or does each item need to be created individually? 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @YossiNPS149 and welcome back.  You can use the FUSE spreadsheet to upload changes and add items in addition to using the GUI (IM).  You can extract an existing item to get the latest version of FUSE and use that as a template.

Please check out this training page that gives you links to info about FUSE and make sure you understand the "Operations" in FUSE before uploading.

Our training team also hosts sessions on how to use the FUSE which you can find on our events calendar.  Here is a link to the one coming up: 

New Contributor

thank you for the prompt response. 


New Contributor


I'm having problems creating "case item" for my 3 different products... I'm new in here, I'm lost. I tried to publish my 3 products (each), I don't have case item, when I tried to create it, system told me I already have that product (because is the same GTIN number)

GTIN numbers: 850056472081, 850056472104 and 850056472098

Can you please guide me to create the "case item" of my products so I can publish them?

I really appreciate it.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @hello2024 and welcome to the customer community.  We have some short, helpful training videos to help customers get started with item creation.  I see you started with the first one.  I recommend you look at the getting started page we posted HERE along with the training sessions on this page: 


New Contributor

Thank you!

New Contributor

First you create your UPC single item. 

then you create your Case GTIN packoff items. If there is 3 differerent packoffs off one item, then you have the same UPC and a different GTIN hierarchy for the packoffs.

Examples : 

 00424444444444 single item 

12count  packoff  case 10424444444400

24 count packoff case 20424444444401

6 count packoff ( customer decided wanted a 6 count instead of a 12ct case a year later) 30424444444402


Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you @fbasquez nice job.  Aditionally, @hello2024 you can learn more about GTIN creation on the GS1 site: 

New Contributor

Thank you @fbasquez I really appreciate your message.



New Contributor

Need to be able to watch these videos in X1.5 or twice the speed

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you for your feedback @hotdogbob 

New Contributor

Hi All, Where do you even see the tab to "add an item". I watched the video on "add an item" and I don't see a screen like this. 

All help is appreciated. 


Hello @ACMENYC, sorry for the delayed response. If you hover over Items a drop will appear with an Add Item option.



New Contributor

New user ... I'm setting up UPCs for a case of 12 with 3 different child items. I have a UPC for the Parent. For the assortment (case) UPC, I used "10" as the front fill. Is this correct?


Hello @c0st8 and thank you for reaching out to our customer community. Welcome.

I went ahead and attached a document from GS1 that covers some examples of GTIN creation, including a Case GTIN creation: Translating Your U.P.C. to GS1 DataBar to a GTIN with a Batch/Lot Number

I would need more details to understand your hierarchy and trading partner better as the answer might be different. 

Who are you publishing to?

If your item is an assortment, does it get displayed in the store or is the highest level a Case that is not meant for displaying and used for shipping? Thank you!

New Contributor

Hi, I'm publishing to Wakefern. The item in question is an assortment, and it's primarily intended for shipping rather than display in stores.
The product hierarchy is structured as follows:
Parent Item/Assortment (Case) 195884092347 : Contains 12 individual units, each with a unique UPC
Individual Items : Item A, Item B  .  Each individual item has its own UPC 195884092170, 195884092187 and a different case pack 5, 7.

In addition, about the DCT codes for cases and individual items, we've got both EAN-13 and EAN-13 Composite in our history for both. Any guidance on which DCT code to use for each? 


Thank you so much for the information! 

If your Case has UPC 195884092347 then the GTIN for that would be 00195884092347. 

The definition we can find in the Participant Dictionary for Data Carrier Type Code is "The type of data carrier (Barcode or EPC tag) physically present on the trade item. Example: UPC A, ITF 14, GS1 128, EPC Enabled RFID Tag, NO BARCODE."

Depending on how many digits the physical barcode has there can be multiple values, you would need to choose the most appropriate one for the trade item you are working on:

GTIN-12 = UPC-A 
GTIN-13 = EAN/UCC-13 
GTIN-14 = EAN/UCC-14 or ITF-14 

Please let me know if this helps, thank you!

New Contributor

How do you figure out your GPC code?  None of the categories seem to fit our product. Kroger said we should be under "cocktail mixes: fluid/Add Liquor"

Screen Shot 2024-04-17 at 5.48.15 PM.png


Hello @smckinley5 welcome to the Community. The following link is to the GS1 GPC Browser. In it, you can search key terms to find the best fitting GPC Brick code to use.

New Contributor

I created items and clicked "save"(and saw "saved successfully" on the right top corner), but on the next day all the contents are disappeared...

Any advice on this?  Do I need to link everything on the same day in order to save the contents?  

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @ykco9 and thank you for reaching out via the customer community.  Welcome.  Can you provide us an example GTIN that we can look at for you?

New Contributor

Hello @Community Jedi22 and thank you for getting back to me.  I have registered 3 items.  I believe GTINs are UPC code? If so, here are the numbers:  073141155113(item#80073141155119), 80073141155119(item#0073141155113), 10073141155110(item#10073141155110).

Thank you for your help!


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @ykco9 and thanks for an example.  I looked at GTIN 80073141155119.  If you open that item and click the Validate button in the upper right corner you will see you are missing required attributes.  Please populate these and Save them and let us know if that helps.

As a new user, I highly recommend you continue the training if you already watched the video associated with this post.  You can see more IM training in the Academy: 

New Contributor

Hi @Community Manager.  I checked per your instruction, and clicked the Validate button and saw those 8 errors in red.  I actually inputted all the 8 sections yesterday, but all are gone today.  Before I saved yesterday, I clicked the Validate button and corrected all the missing parts, then clicked Save.  However, all the information are gone after a day.. 

It was actually happened the day yesterday as well.   I made one item code 2 days ago, but all the info. are disappeared yesterday. (within a same day, I was able to see still..) 

I am wondering if this is system error?  Or do I need to link and publish in a same day in order to save?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @ykco9 and thanks for your follow-up.  No, there is no system issue.  In IM, red errors mean you encountered something that is required before your next steps.  Can you populate all 8 of these errors, Save, and then Validate again?  They should clear and within 15 minutes your item will register with the Global Registry so you can take your next steps.



Community Manager
Community Manager

Additionally, you can look at your worklist in IM and your Item History Report to see what issues could be preventing your successful item adds, updates, publications, etc.

New Contributor

ok, thank you for your advice.  Probably I didn't do Validate, that is why all the information was gone..? (although I saw "saved successfully" though..)  I will try to input again and follow your guidance.  Thank you again!

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‎09-22-2023 08:53 AM
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