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Community Manager
Community Manager

When synchronizing your product content with Albertsons, the sync goal is to obtain an Albertsons “CIC” code.  The Albertsons CIC stands for “Corporate Item Code,” which they provide to the buyer once the product hierarchy is approved by Albertsons in Product Introduction. 

Once the item is approved, the CIC will show on both the item search screen and on the Hierarchy Data Page inside the item in Product Introduction.  Even if an item is approved through multiple divisions, there will still only be one CIC code per hierarchy. 

For multiple division set up, different merchandisers approve submitted product hierarchies at different times.  Items could move back and forth through various status’ as they move the Albertsons approval process after you submit in Product Introduction.  Keep an eye on your item.

New Contributor

Can I download the CIC codes of all out items?  It doesn't come down when I use the reports to export to Excel.  

I have to look them up one at a time.



Community Manager
Community Manager

Good morning and thank you for reaching out to us via the community platform.  I checked around for you and believe the best practice would be for you to reach out to Albertsons, starting with your merchandiser to ascertain whether they can provide this list.

I hope this helps.

New Contributor

once we enter an item sometimes it will sit for days, or weeks with no movement at all, in process merchandising..  how do we get the items moving??

Community Manager
Community Manager

Good morning.  If you find yourself waiting for updates for a while, we encourage you to reach out to your buyer/merchandiser to check status and whether there is anything else they need from you as they complete the process on their end.

New Contributor II

Good morning, 

I am being told that CIC 88530133  was once on 10070800082800. When I checked this item in Item Management, I did not see where it was previoulsy published. I ended up republishing it, but there is still no CIC. Does the item have to be completed(topped off) in Product Introduction before it gets a CIC?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @MeFerrell and thank you for reaching out.  The CIC is a little different for Albertsons as we have the GDSN CIC which is a retailer response to a publication, republication or update.  Albertsons also assigns your items a CIC (called a "KIck" code by Albertsons) on their end.  We recommend you ask your Merchandising Team any questions about Albertsons CICs 

New Contributor

I believe the answer to my question is yes, but, in PI, we can only have 1 CIC per 1 GTIN, correct? I can't have multiple CICs attached to the same GTIN, right?


Hello @eburger thanks for reaching out in the Community. Correct the Corporate Item Code would be for the hierarchy in general.

New Contributor

Thank you!!!!! 

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎07-31-2020 08:12 AM
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