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Community Manager

Customers sometimes encounter the error "gdsn312 : Ordering Unit Indicator (isOrderableUnit) must be true for at least one GTIN within a hierarchical configuration."  The error can vary by unit indicator that is needed.  Let's look at how to resolve these types of errors.

For the error in question, check your item and you will see you do not have the Ordering Unit Indicator set to True for at least one of the items in your hierarchy. 

The Unit Indicators are attributes you populate for every item in your hierarchy.  Across your hierarchy items, these indicators must have a value of True for each attribute based on what is accurate for your products.  These values can vary by the recipient and by different hierarchies your item could be linked within.  Here’s what we mean:

For this example, let’s consider a hierarchy made of a Case and Each (Case/Each).  In this example, only the Each is a consumer unit.  Here’s one way the unit indicators could look between the Case and Each:

Case GTIN                                                       Each GTIN

Consumer Unit Indicator            False                Consumer Unit Indicator            True

Base Unit Indicator                    False                Base Unit Indicator                    True

Ordering Unit Indicator               True                 Ordering Unit Indicator               False

Dispatch Unit Indicator               True                 Dispatch Unit Indicator               False

Invoice Unit Indicator                 True                 Invoice Unit Indicator                 False


Please note, the Unit Indicators in this example have a value of True for every indicator but across the two different item GTINs.  If you try to publish an item where you do not have a value of True for one of the indicators across the hierarchy, you will encounter errors.



 Please post any questions you have below.



New Contributor

I get the same exact error, comes up as code PI6216. Can you please elaborate, i am unclear with the below explanation:

Please note, the Unit Indicators in this example have a value of True for every indicator but across the two different item GTINs.  If you try to publish an item where you do not have a value of True for one of the indicators across the hierarchy, you will encounter errors.

What is meant by "across the two different item GTINS"?

Below is an example of my setup for a CA of 7 pcs within a carton and an example of one EA within. I am getting error code PI6126 on all my EACH styles within the case. But it makes no sense to mark YES for ordering unit because Kroger does not order the EA, they order the CA. So why does one EA within the case have to be marked YES are ordering unit? Hope this makes sense..Thanks for the help!




Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @moret1 and welcome to the customer community.  I apologize for any confusion and am happy to make improvements.  This is really saying that these unit indicators must have a true value on at least one GTIN in the hierarchy.  So maybe your Case is True for Disptahc, Ordering, and Billing and your Each is only true for Base and Consumer Unit Indicators.  YOu just must have a True for each one of those in one of the GTINs.

New Contributor

Hi, I am getting the same orderable unit indicator must be set at one GTIN level when validating 00620255512044:


the EACH is set as such:



and the Case is set as such:


can you help?



New Contributor II

Hi there @CommunityJedi22,  looking through some of the comments above I too run into a similar error but am not able to resolve.

At the CASE level hierarchy I have TRUE for ordering, dispatch, invoicing unit (as you show in earlier comments)

At the EACH level I have TRUE for consumer unit and base unit and FALSE for ordering, dispatch, invoice.

However when I go to validate them as a linked hierarchy I get the error "Ordering Unit Indicator (isOrderableUnit) must be true for at least one GTIN within a hierarchical configuration." -- do I not have at least TRUE for one hierarchical config?....   eg.  CASE level.

 Screen Shot 2023-09-25 at 12.30.01 PM.pngScreen Shot 2023-09-25 at 12.45.58 PM.pngScreen Shot 2023-09-25 at 12.46.20 PM.png I get the error


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @M-A and thanks for reaching out via the customer Community.  Welcome.  Looking at your hierarchy page for these GTINs, you are actually in good shape.  If you validate at the Pallet level, it validates successfully because the Unit indicators and other validations are good.  

If you validate at the Case level, it also validates successfully.  When you validate at a parent level, the GUI validates at that level and all below it so both parents are good.  You are only getting that error when you validate at the Each level because technically if you were to publish at just the Each without the parents, the Unit Indicators would not be correct because they would be just the Each.

Doe this make sense?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @mcclurespickles please take a look at my previous comment a few minutes ago as that should help you as well.  

New Contributor


so is it normal i get this publishing error when publishing all three levels?



Community Manager
Community Manager

Most commonly, you publish at one or both of the parent levels.  When you publish to a trading partner, they receive the GTIN info for the GTIN you publish at and everything below it.  If you publish at your pallet, they get your applet, case each.  If you publish at the Case, they get your case and each info.  If you need to create just a consumer unit Each, you can, but will have to create a version of the GTIN with all unit indicators set to you on the Each.

New Contributor

Good day, 
I'm creating a food service item, with CASE as a sales unit (and 12-pack internal units). 
what would be the indicators for this situation? thank you


Hi @BeanVIVO, thanks for reaching out!

The indicators for items can vary depending on what is shipped, which items in the hierarchy have a GTIN or UPC present on the physical item, and how the Recipient purchases this trade item itself. Please review these definitions of the Indicators in our system to see which best fits your item. They are found in the 'IM Participant Dictionary' tab of the Item Management Participant Dictionary, here:


Let us know if this helps!

New Contributor II

Hi! What is a Dispatch Unit? Any example would be helpful. Thank you!


Hi @christyklg welcome to the Community. A Dispatch Unit is basically asking what level you are shipping the item to the recipient. So if everything is shipped by the Case then it would be True for the Case level on the hierarchy.

New Contributor II

@JustinW Great! One more, what would an inner pack or display be listed as? So we have our candy box (base and/or consumer), an inner pack (?), case (ordering/dispatch/invoice). Any insight there? Thanks for your help! 


My pleasure @christyklg. The way you are describing Each (candy box) and the Case levels the indicators for the Inner Pack would all be False.

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‎05-09-2023 04:18 PM
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