As you likely noticed, there have been a few updates in the Community over the last month. In addition to some branding changes, we created landing pages that make it easier for you to see all the information you need in one space based on where you are looking. The first of these pages are listed below. Please let us know what you think in the comments area below.
Updates in the 1WorldSync Academy Space for Easier Access to Training Options
Item Management Training
Digital Catalog Training
Kroger Training
We also updated the Technology & Release Updates > Release Notes & Updates. Remember you can subscribe to this area in the Community to see real-time updates when our systems encounter any issues.
The JIRA integration project is now complete which provides you a way to create and manage your tickets in the Community. This is a “milestone in making the Community a true 24/7 support hub for our customers.”
This integration provides you with another tool to ensure your support, training, and communication needs are met in a one-stop location. You can create, manage, and respond to current tickets while having access to look at your historical tickets opened after the Community integration.
Look at Your Support Tickets in the menu bar and check out this Blog Overview of how to use this easy tool to create and manage your tickets.
We are working on surveys for our most active Community customers to collect your feedback and ideas on how to further improve it for you.
Thank you for your continued support and we will update you more as some of the projects wrap up and give you more opportunities for success.