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I cannot figure out how to correct the errors from in process- supplier and advance them past that

New Contributor

I need help navigating this site and where to find the errors that are popping up.  One issue is for the geographic regions it can be supplied to section.  I fill it out and go to save draft and it deletes all the date in input.  or I will fill it out and validate it and it does the same thing.  So where do I actually fill out that information?

2 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @kmorse50 and thank you for reaching via our customer community.  Welcome.  I took a look and see you are a non-GDSN customer utilizing the PI/VIP interface directly to sync your items with Kroger.  With the addition of our community, we have lots of information to help you through this process including this area created by our Training team:

I highly recommend you take a look there as there are guidelines and training on how to do this.  To answer your question directly, the idea in VIP is to create your items, link them, validate and submit them to Kroger.  Once your item is in the In Process Supplier status, open your consumer unit (Each) and top-off your content with the Kroger-specific data.  In general, the best way to start is to populate all the bold attributes with an asterisk and validate, then the system will tel you anything you missed.

GLN 0850049353007

Thank you very much, I have located those videos and am starting to see where I can fix things.