11-27-2023 09:36 AM
Hi, I need help in resolving this errors....
Marketing Message is required when Kroger Intended Sales Variant equals YES and Item Submission Reason Code is populated. Item (00029200003079)
Multiple errors on Case level. KR1014 Non Promotional Item is required if Promotional Type Code is populated, Product is Pre-Priced is Yes, or if Item is Labeled with Cents off Label is Yes. Item (10012700996092)
KR5436 UOM of Pre-Priced Item is required when Product is Pre-Priced equals TRUE. Item (10012700996092)
KR15887 Non Promotional item is Required when Item is Labeled with Cents off Label equals TRUE or Pricing on Product equals TRUE, or Promotional Type Code equals BONUS PACK or FREE QUANTITY. Item (10012700996092)
KR15889 Retail Price On Trade Item is required when Product is Pre-Priced equals True, and Variable Weight Trade Item equals False. Item (10012700996092)
11-27-2023 11:37 AM
Hi DawnVanWychen and welcome back to the community!
For Marketing Message is required when Kroger Intended Sales Variant equals YES and Item Submission Reason Code is populated. Item (00029200003079) - on the Kroger Hierarchy Data page you have Kroger Intended Sales Variant = Yes and the Kroger Item SUbmission Reason Code populated, however, on GTIN 00029200003079, there is no Marketing Message populated:
For KR1014 Non Promotional Item is required if Promotional Type Code is populated, Product is Pre-Priced is Yes, or if Item is Labeled with Cents off Label is Yes. Item (10012700996092) - on GTIN 10012700996092 you have Product is Pre-Priced = Yes so you must provide a value for Non Promotional Item:
KR5436 UOM of Pre-Priced Item is required when Product is Pre-Priced equals TRUE. Item (10012700996092) - since Product is Pre-Priced = Yes you must provide a value for UOM of Pre-Priced Item:
KR15887 Non Promotional item is Required when Item is Labeled with Cents off Label equals TRUE or Pricing on Product equals TRUE, or Promotional Type Code equals BONUS PACK or FREE QUANTITY. Item (10012700996092) - the "Pricing on Product" is referencing the Product is Pre-Priced attribute, since this = Yes, Non Promotional Item requires a value:
KR15889 Retail Price On Trade Item is required when Product is Pre-Priced equals True, and Variable Weight Trade Item equals False. Item (10012700996092) - since since Product is Pre-Priced = Yes, you must provide a value for Retail Price on Trade Item:
11-27-2023 12:48 PM
Thanks. Where is this field?? Product is Pre-Priced = Yes you must provide a value for UOM of Pre-Priced Item:
11-27-2023 01:51 PM
Hi DawnVanWychen,
This attribute is in Product Introduction for Kroger (VIP) under the Pricing and Promotional Information:
11-30-2023 08:27 AM
@DawnVanWychen, having worked in Kroger VIP for a while and experience similar issues to yours, I find that using "Control F" on the keyboard and typing what you're looking for is very helpful in finding where the error is.
I hope this helps!
11-30-2023 08:45 AM
Thank you @nancyVigo your support is always appreciated.
11-30-2023 09:09 AM
@CommunityJedi22, always a pleasure to share what I've learned from you all. 🙂