01-31-2022 12:10 PM
I am getting a synchronization error regarding the weight. I have corrected the error but the message still appears. This is the error message- 10076539042108: 326: Gross Weight (grossWeight) of the parent Item must be >96% of the sum of the child Item
This is happening with all below GTINs also:-
50041820700713 , 50041820104221 , 40076539016209 ,
10076539043006 |
10076539045703 |
40076539004800 |
40076539010603 |
40076539011402 |
40076539012706 |
40076539013406 |
50041820700492 |
02-01-2022 08:37 AM
Hello and thank you for reaching out via your customer community. Please make sure the gross weight of your parent GTIN is at least equal to the weight of your child item multiplied by the number of children contained in the parent. For example, if your Each is 1 pound and there are 10 eaches in the parent then the parent must be at least 10 pounds.
02-01-2022 01:03 PM
for GTIN 50041820700713 , the gross weight of the parent item is 36.89 Pounds and they are 4 Eaches. and gross weight of Eaches is 9.22.
9.22 *4= 36.88 ,
why is error occurring ?
02-01-2022 02:32 PM
Who are you attempting to publish to when this error occurs?
02-01-2022 03:53 PM
Recipient is PrimeroEdge---0866078000409 and Error Message is - 50041820700713: 326: If specialItemCode does not equal DYNAMIC_ASSORTMENT, then the grossWeight of the GTIN MUST BE greater than 96% of the sum of that GTIN''s packagingWeight plus the sum of the grossWeight of all next lower-level child items (whether or not packagingWeight is populated in the child items). The formula is: [Parent GTIN Gross Weight] > 96% * ((sum of [Parent GTIN Packaging Weight]) + ([Parent GTIN Qty of Next Lower Level] * [Child GTIN Gross Weight]));
02-02-2022 11:36 AM
I am going to reach out to you from the Service Desk to work on this issue.