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Validation Error Message

If specialItemCode does not equal DYNAMIC_ASSORTMENT, then the grossWeight of the GTIN MUST BE greater than 96% of the sum of that GTIN''s packagingWeight plus the sum of the grossWeight of all next lower-level child items (whether or not packagingWeight is populated in the child items). The formula is:  [Parent GTIN Gross Weight] > 96% * ((sum of [Parent GTIN Packaging Weight]) + ([Parent GTIN Qty of Next Lower Level] * [Child GTIN Gross Weight]));

To understand this validation, let’s use the example hierarchy below.  The parent GTIN is a Case that contains 20 packs.  The Pack GTIN contains 5 Each GTINs per pack.

Gross Weight Ex.emf.jpg

Pack Calculation:

One Each weighs 1 pound.  That means, at a minimum, the Pack GTIN must weigh at least the weight of 5 Eaches.  Here is the math logic:

1 Each Gross Weight (1 lb.) x Number of Eaches in the Pack (5) = Minimum Pack Gross Weight (5 lbs.)

Case Calculation:

If one pack weighs the minimum weight of 5 pounds for this example, and the Case contains 20 pack level GTINs, then the Case must weight a minimum of 100 pounds. 

1 Pack Gross Weight (5 lbs.) x Number of Packs in the Case (20) = Minimum Case Gross Weight (100 lbs.)

New Contributor II

@CommunityJedi22 I am getting a similar message for 1 straight case item, not a Dynamic Assortment.

My error reads Gross Weight of the parent item must be >96% of the sum of the child item.

Child Item Gross Weight is 1.76 oz

Pack Count of Case is 24  (24 * 1.76 = 42.24 oz or 2.64 lbs.)

Actual Gross Weight of case with all packaging is 3.5 lbs

Why am I unable to Publish at the correct weight?

GTIN = 100 41269 40752 7



Item Management will consider the case weight of 3.5 / 24 = .1458

The consumer unit weight is 1.76 X 24 = 42.24  

The equation with each weight above will validate successfully  .1458 X 24 = 3.4992


New Contributor II


I changed the weight of the unit item to .1458 lbs as recommended above and received the same error message when Publishing the Case GTIN.

Do I need to open a ticket?  Wakefern is asking that publication be completed today.





I am taking a look at why that validation is not clearing. I removed the Packaging weight from the parent and it validated successfully for me.

Can you confirm that you can successfully publish?

New Contributor II

@jcharles  Thank you - the item just published.

New Contributor II

@jcharles Update:  Wakefern could not accept in the manner Published with units changed to lbs and no weight in the parent item.  Had to change the units back to ounces and add gross weight to parent level.  This time the update validation was accepted.

New Contributor

I know this is an old thread but I cant figure out the issue here at all. This is my specific error.


~~326-Gross Weight (grossWeight) of the GTIN MUST BE greater than 96% of the sum of that GTIN’s packagingWeight if available, plus the sum of the Gross Weight (grossWeight) of all next lower-level child items. NOTE: This allowance of 4% in the sum, is due to some configurations where part of the packaging of child items is removed, such as in displays.~gdsn202-Your parent and child direct link quantities should match your parent Item Total Count of All Products (totalQuantityOfNextLowerTradeItem)~382-Base Unit Indicator (isBaseUnit) should only be true for the lowest level Item in the hierarchy. If ChildTradeItem/gtin is not empty then Base Unit Indicator (isBaseUnit) must be equal to false.~2802-WARNING: On the highest hierarchy level both Number of Layers per non-GTIN Pallet/Non GTIN Pallet Hi (nonGTINPalletHi) and Number of Units per Layer in a non-GTIN Pallet/Non GTIN Pallet Ti (nonGTINPalletTi) must be populated.~2802-WARNING: On the highest hierarchy level both Number of Layers per non-GTIN Pallet/Non GTIN Pallet Hi (nonGTINPalletHi) and Number of Units per Layer in a non-GTIN Pallet/Non GTIN Pallet Ti (nonGTINPalletTi) must be populated.

I have no clue what I need to do.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Helo @cmatthews1 and welcome to the customer community.  Thanks for reaching out.  Can you provide us the example parent GTIN so we can take a look for you?

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎08-12-2020 09:26 AM
Updated by: