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Pending Synchronization

New Contributor II

We are setting up all of our products and all of them continue to show Pending Synchronization.  How do we get these items to go through to our recipient?

31 Replies





Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @ManSpecFoods .  I took a look and see no reason yet that this error is occurring,  Every GTIN in this hierarchy is registered and your GLN is registered with us.  We are opening a ticket with the Global Registry asking them to take a look as to why we are getting that error.  I will let you know when they get back to us.  Usually, tickets like this take them a day or two to resolve.

GLN 0815216010008
GTIN 10815216016694

Ok, thank you for your help!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello, @ManSpecFoods .  We worked on this on our end and request you try republishing again (via Manage Publications).  Once complete, can you let us know if the issue is resolved for you?

It looks like it went through ok this time.  Thank you for your help on that.  I have one other question.  I'm getting the following warning on the products; however, none of them are non-GTIN products.  I have completed the tie-high fields for GTIN products but that doesn't seem to resolve the issue.  Thoughts?



Community Manager
Community Manager

I am glad to see that worked out for you. Regarding your follow-up question for TI/HI, please take a look at the article I created.

In a nutshell, since you do not have a pallet GTIN in your hierarchy (it is Case/Each only in IM) then you should populate the NON-Pallet TI/HI attributes and remove the ones you would assign for a pallet.

I guess I spoke too soon.  I'm seeing that error code again for all the items I republished.  



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello, @ManSpecFoods .  We are looking into this for you.  We found another example of this error message from a couple of years ago for another supplier.  We are opening a ticket with our technical support team.  In the meantime, can you tell me if you came to 1WS from another data pool?

Yes, we had Syndigo years ago.