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Pending Synchronization

New Contributor II

We are setting up all of our products and all of them continue to show Pending Synchronization.  How do we get these items to go through to our recipient?

31 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @ManSpecFoods and thank you for utilizing our customer community.  Can you provide me an example parent level (publication level) GTIN so we can take a closer look for you?

Here is one of them - 



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @ManSpecFoods and thank you for the GTIN.  That always helps us investigate exactly what you are seeing.  I looked at the GTIN and see your publication and republication attempts as you mentioned but you are not generating a CIN message to your trading partner.  I looked and noticed there is not a subscription from PFG yet to your GLN which is why your pubs are not processing.  I looked at the PFG Implementation Guide and found these steps below.  Can you reach out to your contacts and let them know you are ready for a subscription?



Thank you for your help on that.  The recipient requested the information but now I'm getting the following message for a synchronization failure 

"9999: GLN of information provider/data source is not registered in the Source Data Pool."  How can I clear this up and get the items synchronized?

Community Manager
Community Manager

We just made a quick update on our end.  Can you try again and let me know if it is registered?

Where do I go to see if it's registered?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Can you try sending it again to see if you get that same CIC999 error?

I republished the items but am still getting that error message.  

Community Manager
Community Manager

Can you please provide me an example GTIN to look at?