08-13-2024 06:29 PM
08-14-2024 09:41 AM
Hello @frankvidal and welcome to the customer community. Thanks for reaching out.
When we add the attribute for Country of Origin we will use the fields for Country of Origin Code that is located under the Processing Information section of your item. The error for the Grape Variety Code appeared because the Ingredient Country Of Origin was filled in, and that field is below the Ingredients section, it will ask for additional attributes. But that will not be the proper country of origin the Performance Food Group is looking for, to correct it you would wish to add the Country of Origin Code as previously mentioned.
Once you update the information on the item we will need to update manually the Product Information Effective Date/Time to Today, and we will do that on all levels of your hierarchy CA, EA, PK, or other level you have for the item in question and this will send the information to Performance Food Group, this is what they call a "Change by Refresh message", as no republication would be needed for them. We can also check the article we have for Change by Refresh.
Thank you.
08-14-2024 12:11 PM
George- Thank you for the response, although I still not clear on what I need to do to push through. I have removed "Thailand" from both the Food and Beverage ingredient section & Processing Information Section
Are you able to manually update what is needed to include a country of origin to meet the performanc food group (GLN #0806795000009) requirements and pulish as an initial load please?
Thank you,
08-14-2024 12:23 PM
Hello @frankvidal and thank you for the additional information.
We are not able to edit the item's information on behalf of customers. Please update the Country of Origin Code that is located under the Processing Information section of your item.
For a "Change by Refresh" you would need to review the following article Change by Refresh. Thank you!
08-19-2024 12:09 PM
Hello- The item is still failing for Performance Food Group after updating the Pacakging to Show as Returnable "True" and updating only the Country of Origin in the Processing Information Section to "Thailand". I tried both refreshing and republishing as a new item. Can you please provide suggestions on how to resolve.
08-19-2024 04:34 PM
When updating information within an item some attributes work with a dominos effect and can trigger additional errors. Once the item validates successfully within the item once published to the recipient you must also, monitor your Worklist and Sync Status Report to ensure no further review messages are sent by the recipient. When reviewing the item on your Worklist it does display an activate review message. Attached below contains a screenshot.
08-21-2024 05:08 PM
PFG is still seeing the errors and I am not sure what to do on my side. From the worklist, it shows successful. See below, what am I missing?
Thank you!
08-21-2024 05:41 PM
Hello @frankvidal Thank you for your reply! PFG is still seeing the errors as they are missing from the consumer level. Please add the PFG playlist on your each and validate your item successfully by completing the remaining requirements. Once the item will validate successfully you can Save and wait for an update from your retailer. Please check the Sync Status Report for an updated response.
08-22-2024 12:59 PM
Thank you Maria. I will try this.