08-06-2024 05:09 PM
08-06-2024 05:12 PM
Can anyone help with the following errors? I have been trying for weeks to create a successful publication, and each resolved error just creates a new error.
326 : Gross Weight (grossWeight) of the GTIN MUST BE greater than 96% of the sum of that GTIN’s packagingWeight if available, plus the sum of the Gross Weight (grossWeight) of all next lower-level child items. NOTE: This allowance of 4% in the sum, is due to some configurations where part of the packaging of child items is removed, such as in displays.
gdsn202 : Your parent and child direct link quantities should match your parent Item Total Count of All Products (totalQuantityOfNextLowerTradeItem)
382 : Base Unit Indicator (isBaseUnit) should only be true for the lowest level Item in the hierarchy. If ChildTradeItem/gtin is not empty then Base Unit Indicator (isBaseUnit) must be equal to false.
2802 : WARNING: On the highest hierarchy level both Number of Layers per non-GTIN Pallet/Non GTIN Pallet Hi (nonGTINPalletHi) and Number of Units per Layer in a non-GTIN Pallet/Non GTIN Pallet Ti (nonGTINPalletTi) must be populated.
08-07-2024 09:54 AM
Hi @ZionHealth, Thank you for reaching out to our customer community. Welcome.
Based on the errors provided it will indicate that the item needs to have the weights, indicators, and hierarchy information set up correctly. Under the indicators section, we need to ensure that all 5 are populated on all levels of your hierarchy. it will differ from one product type to another, for example on an EA level, which is normally the consumer/lowest level your regular setup will be as shown below. For a CA level, it will be reversed as they complement each other.
Regarding the weight, the system checks the weight of the lower level, multiplies it by the quantity in links for that item, and compares it to the level above.
And for the Pallet Ti/Hi error it is needed on the highest level and can be found in the hierarchy information section. The 3 fields highlighted will be the necessary ones.
I would recommend also checking the videos we have under the community for the item setup *Item Management Training - 1WorldSync Customer Community also we have free webinars we can participate in for the Item Management 101 Basic Training under the Events Calendar.
Thank you.