Verify that iron is 0% DV/0 mg. Ground beef is expected to contain iron.
How to Resolve:
This relates to the recommended daily intake (RDI) for iron. Ground beef naturally contains iron so this message is asking you to double-check your value of 0% and send again with changes. Was iron removed from the ground beef? If not, correct the value as it should not be 0%.
You can see the attribute details in the USDA Implementation Guide and USDA FNS Food Distribution Implementation Guide.
USDA & FNS Best Practices:
- USDA (GLN 0861583000302) and FNS (GLN 0861583000319) each have their own playlist in IM that has the required attributes and validations. If these requirements are not met, you will see error messages with details explaining why your publication was not successful and what information should be updated.
- Making sure nutrients, ingredients, and allergens (for FNS) are accurate is really what they want.
- Nutrient, ingredient, and allergen (for FNS) attributes need to be on the consumer unit level. If there is more than one consumer level in the hierarchy, such as an inner being set up as a consumer unit, then this content should be on those additional consumer unit levels as well.
- Nutrition Information is based on what is found on the Nutrition Fact Panel (NFP). In addition, USDA & FNS would prefer 100 unit (100 fluid oz, grams, milliliters) of nutrient information, if available.
- FNS requires allergen information, but the USDA does not.
- FNS requires a value for the "Material Code" while the USDA does not. This is found in the List of Required Products for GS1 GDSN Reporting. The product must align with the name and pack size for the listed material code.
- FNS recommends and requests a value for Trade Channel attribute of “Child nutrition food programs”. This will help them to identify products meant for school nutrition programs.
- If you are publishing to FNS, enable both the FNS and USDA playlists and publish to both entity GLNs USDA (GLN 0861583000302) and FNS (GLN 0861583000319). If you are publishing to the USDA you do not have to publish to FNS unless your product matches the material codes they are requesting.
- FNS allows you to reapply to the program annually. Be sure to check your products and make updates before the program renewal and republish any changes made for the upcoming year.
- You can post in the community or contact for additional CIC response questions.