USDA / FNS Support
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Knowledge Base Articles

Product Formulation Statement (PFS)

A Product Formulation Statement (PFS) is a document developed by manufacturers that provides specific information about how a product credits toward the USDA meal patterns for Child Nutrition Programs. This is a self-certification of child nutrition...

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Child Nutrition (CN) Labeling

The USDA, Child Nutrition (CN) Labeling Program provides food manufacturers the option to include a standardized food crediting statement on their product labels. Labels must be authorized by USDA, FNS prior to use and manufacturers must have qualit...

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Publish allergen information for 9 major allergens

CIC Error Message: Publish allergen information for 9 major allergens. Need to select the Allergen Type Code and Allergen Containment Code.   How to Resolve: The validation is not saying you must populate content for all nine of these attributes.  I...

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