FNS Implementation Guide
Please click the attached Implementation Guide and post any questions you have below.
Please click the attached Implementation Guide and post any questions you have below.
Please click the attached document and post any questions you have below.
CIC Error Message: The weight of the Serving Size should be reported in grams instead of cups. Populate Serving Size and Nutrient Basis Quantity in grams equivalent to 0.5 cup. The Serving Size Description can remain the same (1/2 cup). How to Resol...
A Product Formulation Statement (PFS) is a document developed by manufacturers that provides specific information about how a product credits toward the USDA meal patterns for Child Nutrition Programs. This is a self-certification of child nutrition...
The USDA, Child Nutrition (CN) Labeling Program provides food manufacturers the option to include a standardized food crediting statement on their product labels. Labels must be authorized by USDA, FNS prior to use and manufacturers must have qualit...
CIC Error Message: Provide either Child Nutrition (CN) Label or Product Formulation Statement (PFS) information to verify crediting information and upload a digital copy of the documentation. How to Resolve: If you are part of the School Nutrition P...
CIC Error Message: Publish allergen information for 9 major allergens. Need to select the Allergen Type Code and Allergen Containment Code. How to Resolve: The validation is not saying you must populate content for all nine of these attributes. I...
Please note, as of January 2023, there are now nine major allergens so please populate according to these changes rather than the "8" mentioned in the CIC provided prior to January 2023. Details for this rule are found in this Community Article.
CIC Error Message: Under Food & Beverage Diet Type Info, provide the name of the Kosher Certification Agency. How to Resolve: If you declared your product as "Kosher," what agency certified it as Kosher? This is required for FNS but not USDA. You ca...
CIC Error Message: Verify that iron is 0% DV/0 mg. Ground beef is expected to contain iron. How to Resolve: This relates to the recommended daily intake (RDI) for iron. Ground beef naturally contains iron so this message is asking you to double-c...
CIC Error Message: How to Resolve: Populate serving size correctly in IM for the NFP. This error message is asking you to be sure your values are populated correctly according to the Nutrition Facts Panel. Example of How This Could Be Populated...