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Community Manager
Community Manager

New Contributor II

Nowhere in the video does it state that if the product is already published you'll receive an error, which is what I'm dealing with as a new user and the user before me didn't create any hierarchies. How do I fix these? How do I create links to products that are already published?



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello and thank you for reaching out.  I discussed your question with our training and education team and we are looking into a solution to make a video to help with troubleshooting item link issues like what you are encountering.  

In the meantime, let's get you an answer so you can make the changes you need to make.  As a GDSN rule, anytime you need to make a hierarchical structure change to a published item hierarchy, and some others as well, you first have to withdraw or delete the publication, wait a full 25 hours for all the processing to complete for the publication removal, make your update and then publish again.  

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

New Contributor II

Thanks! Does this mean I have to republish to every vendor that the item is published to or when I hit publish again will it auto publish to all previous?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Yes, you will need to publish to your trading partners again as you are sending them a new hierarchy than what you had sent before.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Also, I would like to add you can see these details in the upcoming training webinar.  See below to register.


New Contributor

How do you unlink items so you can correct the hierarchy?  For example they linked the inner pack and the each but forgot the case.  It won't let me update the hierarchy because the parent item is still linked to the child

New Contributor

Was this question ever answered?

How do you unlink items so you can correct the hierarchy?  For example they linked the inner pack and the each but forgot the case.  It won't let me update the hierarchy because the parent item is still linked to the child

I have the same issue.





Hello and welcome to the 1Worldsync Community! 

You would need to make sure that there are no existing publications against any of the items. You will get an error mentioning the publication if you attempt to link items that are published. Once the publications have been deleted and the 25 hours has lapsed then you can reconfigure the hierarchy.

Were you actually looking for the steps to link and unlink or was this in reference to any errors?


New Contributor

I haven't published the item yet but I did previously save a previous hierarchy that I can't figure out how to delete or revise.   I am getting an error message that the "Parent Link GTIN is having duplicate child links".  My item is a master carton with 2 inner cartons, each inner contains 40 eaches (80 ea total for the master).  I believe on the original hierarchy I put the eaches as 80 instead of 40 which is possibly causing an error for my weights. Thanks



If you could share the GTIN numbers involved then I can take a look and advise what you need to do? 


New Contributor

How do you delete a new item entry, which I did three (3), and now want a do over.  I cannot add a new entry item, due to the fact the GTIN already exist.  so therefore, would like to delete the new entry items.  



Hello and thank you for contacting us requesting the removal of GTINs from 1WS applications and the Global Registry.  In order for us to complete your GTIN purge request successfully, please make sure the following is true for each GTIN you need purged:

1)      Delete all publications of any hierarchies the GTINs are a part of.  1WorldSync is unable to process GTIN deletes for items that are actively published to trading partners.  Please note, GTIN delete transactions can commence 25 hours from the time the publication deletes are sent.

2)      Remove all images in Digital Asset Management for each GTIN.   1WorldSync is unable to process GTIN deletes for items with images in DAM.

3)      Fully and accurately complete the GTIN Purge Template and send to  Each column must have the correct information for successful GTIN deletion:

  • Target Market should be correct
  • Information Provider should be the correct, full 13 digit number for the org asking for the purge
  • Ensure the GTINs in the spreadsheet are valid 14 digit GTINs

Once you submit the form, the Service Desk will work to purge your GTIN(s) from the Item Management application and then send the request to the Global Registry. When you are ready to submit your GTINs for deletion, please send your completed form to the 1WorldSync Service Desk at 

We appreciate your inquiry and I would be happy to email the template for you if you like?

Thank you!!

New Contributor

@jcharles   GTIN for Master is 10045114132756.  Thanks for your help.



10045114132756  Quantity of Next Level Item should be 2

10045114138260  Quantity of Next Level Item should be 40

The screenshot below should be 2 and 40, so you will unlink the child and link it back with 40.


Let me know when changed and I can confirm all is well for you.

New Contributor

New user...I have revised a product and case to provide additional detail. I then linked them and validated the hierarchy. What are the steps to publish now? Was I supposed to publish both the each and case before this step? Thank you 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @LABisou and thank you for reaching out via our customer community and using the videos. Based on your question, you only have to publish at the parent level GTIN unless you have a need to do so differently via your trading partners.  As an example, if you have a Case over Each hierarchy and publish at the Case level, the recipient receives the case level and everything underneath it...

New Contributor

I have linked and validated the hierarchy already. Can I go back and publish case and if so, do the hierarchy need any updating after this step? Thanks for confirming

Community Manager
Community Manager

If your item passes validations and you believe you met the requirements for your trading partner then yes, you can publish.  Check back about two hours later to see if your trading partner sent back a Synchronized, Received, Review, or Rejected message.  You can do so via the Sync Status Report and your Worklist.

New Contributor

Since the video doesn’t mention publishing can you please confirm…

Is the case published AFTER validating the hierarchy?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Yes, but please check out this video as well to help with publishing.

We also have IM quick sheets to help you out...


New Contributor

Need to be able to update a Master pack but items have been published. How do these get updated?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @hmackey and welcome to our customer community.  Can you provide me an example GTIN and tell me more about what "updates" you need to make so I can provide the best answer for you?

New Contributor


I am trying to link the case to the each and am getting an error when I validate.

My master case is 36. When I entered the item I put 36 at the case level and 1 at the each level.

When I link should I be putting 1 or 36 in the each qty?


You have errors requiring your attention
Hierarchy Cannot Validate Until these errors are fixed
1 Error
Your parent and child direct link quantities should match your parent Item Total Count of All Products (totalQuantityOfNextLowerTradeItem)
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @PBA and welcome to the customer community.  When linking your items the link qty between the parent and child should match the total qty next level items for the parent.  For example, if you have a Case with 10 eaches, then when you link the Each to the Case, you will put a quantity of 10.  

New Contributor


I have a product that has a master case and an inner case. Some customers will buy by the master case and some by the inner. There are 12 pieces in each inner and 3 inners in a master. I set my item as 12 pieces in an inner and 3 pieces (inners) in a master, but looking at these posts it seems I should have set my master at 36 pieces since that's the number of pieces. If I list 36,12,1 as the qty's does the data divide the master qty by the inner for the piece count? All levels of my items were validated, but when I published, the masters all bounced back with errors. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello and thanks for reaching out via the customer community.  Welcome.  Can you provide me the GTINs in question so I can take a closer look and give you the best possible answer?

New Contributor

Sure thing @CommunityJedi22  Here's one of the items.


Inner: 00850041689173 

Master: 10850041689170

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @tltb and thank you for those details.  That always helps us a lot.  I noted the error message and your hierarchy configuration below.  

If you look at your top parent GTIN 10850041689170, you have the Total Count of All Products as 36.  This should match your hierarchy.  You have 36 on the parent but 3 in the hierarchy.  One of these will need to be corrected to show how many of the child pack are contained in the parent pack.  Also, should this patent GTIN 10850041689170 actually be a Case?

Hierarchy Validation ErrorYour parent and child direct link quantities should match your parent Item Total Count of All Products (totalQuantityOfNextLowerTradeItem)


GLN 0850041689005

New Contributor

Thank you @CommunityJedi22 . I assumed the total count of all product was the total number of pieces. Is that incorrect? Asking so I know which to change. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @tltb Let's call the top parent package (Case?) Pack 1 and the second parent Pack 2.  How many Pack 2s are in Pack 1?  That number should be you link qty and Total Count of All Products between those two GTINs.

New Contributor

Hello,I have entered the items ( case + unit) and now need to link. I cannot find the training video on linking the parent and child?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @tltb and thank you for reaching out.  I apologize you encountered that issue and replicated it on my end,  I just reached out to our team here to see why this video is no longer rendering.  I will provide an update as soon as they get back to me.


Hi @pastalady, thanks for reaching out! Please see this article on linking items in Item Management:

If you have any further questions, please let us know. Thanks!

Community Manager
Community Manager

@pastalady I would like to add, that you can take a look at this Quick Sheet on How to Link until we restore this video: 


@pastalady I apologize for the confusion, but I see that there are some issues with playing/accessing this video. Please bare with us as we look into this. Thank you!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @pastalady (I love the username btw).  I am happy to report the video is now rendering in the Community again.  Please take a look and let us know if you have any questions.

New Contributor

How do you link items for a display ready pallet?


Thank you for reaching out to our customer community.  Welcome.

The hierarchy should always reflect packaging, for a Display Ready Pallet you would link each Each GTIN directly to the Disaply Ready Pallet with the correct quantity, example below:




New Contributor

How can we check the existing publications and delete it so we can edit the case quantity and re-publish?


Hi @HicUser1! You can see instructions on how to check on and delete item publications in these Community videos:

Deleting Publications -

Checking Publication Status -

Please let us know if you have any more questions. Thanks!

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‎08-08-2024 10:37 AM
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