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Community Manager


New Contributor

Nice, happy to know we can add the image of the nutritional value without having to type all of it !!

New Contributor


I’m encountering an issue after uploading the NFP. There’s still one error remaining, and despite completing the table, I’m unable to save my work due to an error message that keeps prompting. Could someone assist me in resolving this? Thanks! 



Community Support

Hello @tging1 and thank you for utilizing our customer community.

The nutrients causing the error could be hidden and you would need to enable the advanced view option to see all of them.

Here is a screenshot of where you can select the advanced view:


 After you expand it try to validate again as the missing or incorrect data would have a red background.

Also, make sure to check all the values you added so that there are no empty spaces after the numbers you added.

If you have any further questions please let me know. Thank you and have a great day.

New Contributor

Hi guys - I'm trying to add our first item. I watched the tutorial, but can't even locate how to get to the site that she's on. I received an email saying that we're ready to go, and  prompted me to go to 'the home page, click on “Ready to List” to begin entering your item information." But there is no option to list our product.

And when I try to login from the 1world site to any other options, it says that I don't have access.

I tried exhausting all the resources and I feel like there's probably a simple oversight on my end, here but am still having trouble.

Can someone help me out with this?


Community Support

Hello @fardey and welcome to the customer community. Thanks for reaching out.

When logging in, please use the Production option under Product Introduction on our general login page here:

Once logged in, this McLane Quick Sheet will help you with the next item set up steps: McLane Product Introduction Quick Sheet

Please let us know if this helped or if there is anything else we can do for you. Thank you!

New Contributor

@Val_P  - thank you for your response.
I've followed these steps and downloaded the 1 pager. That said, there is no option for me to view my product, even when I search it by GTIN. 
Is there something that still needs to be done by McLane to allow me to list my item?   

Community Support

Hello @fardey and thank you for the follow-up. Happy to help further.

For your items to show up in Product Introduction, they first need to be published from your Data Pool to McLane. Once successfully published (and you can find the McLane Implementation Guide and Attribute Requirements documentation to successfully publish here:, the items will show up in the Ready to List queue and you then need to add the 5 McLane mandatory attributes and Save and Submit as per the McLane Quick Sheet above.

I hope this helps. Thank you!

New Contributor


Is the ITEM ID the same as our GLN code?

Community Support

@ErikaJ Thank you for reaching out to our customer community.  Welcome.

The GLN is the Global Location Number, a unique 13-digit number tied to your company information. The Item ID will be the GTIN(global trade item number), a 14-digit number representing your products. I recommend checking our article on "Do I Need A New GTIN—1WorldSync Customer Community." Thank you!

New Contributor

This did not take me through the entire process of adding an item or tell me how to fix the errors. It just states "Fix the errors".  My question is HOW?  It did not address what to do when the nutrient label has to be put in manually and errors occur?  What do you do?  

Community Support

Hello @GatesThank you for reaching out to our customer community.  Welcome.

The purpose of this video is to get you started on how to add items and not to go into details about how to add nutritional data.

Depending on the errors or warnings you encounter, the steps needed to be taken may be different. The easiest first step you can take is use the Validate button and then click on the attribute name in the Errors/Warnings list for Item Management to scroll to that attribute for you. You can then add the value from your product's specifications sheet for that attribute and move on to the next one.

For more details about Nutritional Information, we have a Quick Sheet here that can be very useful: How to Populate Nutritional Information - IM Quick Sheet

Your company is also currently set up for our Onboarding service, so feel free to search for ticket CXPRSV-6216 in your Inbox and reply to it for more specific item assistance if needed.

Thank you!

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4 of 4
Last update:
‎09-22-2023 08:53 AM
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