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Image Validations

After a supplier successfully submits an item in VIP, the Kroger Digital Group is performing some additional validations to ensure the images are compliant with specifications. In order to create a better user experience for suppliers and reduce some confusion, 1WorldSync added the validations below.

All validations below are only valid when the following conditions are present:

Type Of Information = Product Image

Intended Sales Variant = TRUE

Item Submission Reason Code is Populated

Image Source=1WorldSync

Image Facing is Populated and Image Background is Populated.

Kroger Image Validations v2.jpg

Kroger Image Requirements.png


I cannot for the life of me get mine to go through and from what I can see all of our images meet these requirements.  Except the RGB.  Some of ours say unspecified...which i cannot change.  soooo...what are we supposed to do.  Also, your chart states for width that X and Y are to be the same?  

Contributor II

Hello! The color code (i.e. RGB) is determined by the system reading the metadata of the image. When submitting to Kroger, their requirements are that an image be 1,000 px x 1,000 px. It is best to have the X (height) and Y (width) resolutions matching to mitigate any review responses from Kroger.


resolution or pixel height?  Resolution should be 300dpi, yes...but if you are saying the X and Y should be the same pixels...then they are looking for square pictures?  As far as the metadata...some of my pictures just don't have metadata and it is not changeable.  So a picture that has UNSPECIFIED is getting rejected.  On some of them.  This is where it gets frustrating.  Sometimes we use the same picture on items (example - green beans out of the can look the same whether Kroger brand or our brand).  One brand was accepted, the other rejected?  It doesn't make sense...I have been working on getting these items to submit only to have them come back because of that???  When it is accepted on a different item?  Its so confusing.

Contributor II

Hello again! Yes, an image for Kroger should be matching in height and width (1,000 x 1,000). The images can be sent back for review by Kroger for a variety of reasons and it may be best to discuss this with your Kroger Category Manager. In particular, the same image and image metadata getting accepted for some items, while other image and image metadata get rejected.

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎07-31-2020 07:59 AM
Updated by: