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Knowledge Base Articles

Weight Limitation for Wakefern Publications

Please note when publishing your product content to Wakefern from IM, there is a weight limit of 999.9 lbs. for successful synchronization.  Wakefern does not accept published hierarchies with a parent weight that exceeds 999.9 lbs.  If you encounte...

Updating New Items Before Approved by Wakefern

Synchronizing your product content with Wakefern requires some unique processes if you need to make changes to an item that is published and not yet approved by Wakefern.  Below is a screen capture from the attached Wakefern Implementation Guide tha...

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Vendor GDSN Requirements Update – June 2020

As a key strategic partner, Wakefern Foods has identified you as a top priority supplier for synchronizing your product information via the Global Data Synchronization Network® (GDSN). Wakefern has incorporated GDSN and data sync process for over a ...

Wakefern CIC Responses For New Item Publications

Received: New Item has been received by Wakefern, but no business decision has been made on the item. Wakefern does not automatically validate any data at this time. If all attributes are published correctly, the item will be available in the Wa...

Wakefern CIC Responses - How To Troubleshoot

Wakefern has an auto-accept process to handle all publications received (CIC messages). After Wakefern receives the CIN, the message is subjected to matching and validation rules. The Catalogue Item Confirmation (CIC) response is generated immediate...


How Do I Update My Item for Wakefern?

Wakerfern offers a particular process when suppliers need to update items that are published to them.  Per the current Wakefern Implementation Guide, they cannot accept changes/modifications for new items that are already in the process of being set...

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