on 12-17-2021 03:42 PM
Wakerfern offers a particular process when suppliers need to update items that are published to them. Per the current Wakefern Implementation Guide, they cannot accept changes/modifications for new items that are already in the process of being set up. These changes need to be Published as New. If your item is in the process of being set up in Wakefern systems and a Modify or Correction is transmitted for the GTIN, the GTIN will reject and you will need to begin the new item set up process from the beginning.
What's the best practice? When correcting new items for Wakefern that have not been fully set up on their side, users should republish. If the suppliers just updates an existing item they have to just save the item.
If you have questions about republishing in IM, please click this link: https://community.1worldsync.com/t5/IM-Knowledge/Republishing-in-Item-Management/ta-p/878