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Community Manager

This will help you successfully synchronize product content with Lowe’s via their GLN 0828439000008.  It is extremely helpful with some of the nuances of managing product content with Lowe’s.  To get started, let’s start with the basic rules for synchronizing with Lowe’s:

  • Lowe’s will accept one two or three level hierarchies as long as the product types meet the Lowe’s requirements.  Please see hierarchy rules for Lowe’s later in this document.
  • Please remember, if your hierarchy published to Lowe’s contains more than one GTIN, please ALWAYS remember, if you populate an attribute on one level of the hierarchy, you must populate the attribute on every level of the hierarchy.
  • When synchronizing with Lowe’s, you are sending information to them that they expect to match what they have listed in PCM.  Your link quantities, Brand Name, etc that you publish to them via GDSN should match what is in PCM.  If they do not, you will work with Lowe’s to update the information in PCM or you will update your information that you are publishing.  The items will not synchronize until the information you send matches what is in PCM.
  • Once you successfully publish to Lowe’s, if you need to make updates to items that are published, do not use the Republish function in Maintain Publications in IM.  PCM does not process Re-publications from 1WS.  If you make updates to a GTIN, please always follow this process:


  • Make the update on your GTIN(s) and Save and Register.  Please remember to ALWAYS Change the Effective Date and Save and Register for every level of the hierarchy whether you made updates to them or not.  If you do not Save and Register every level, Lowe’s will not be able to see your update in PCM.
  • After you successfully send a Modify or Publication, check the Recipient Responses Report (Authorization Report in Classic IM) 2 hours later to see the CIC response message from Lowe’s.  If you see a Received or Synchronized message, the process is complete in IM.  If you receive a Review message, please take a look at the message from Lowe’s and make the necessary corrections. 
  • When you check the Recipient Responses Report, if you see no updates or the message “Pending Sync,” please check the Item History Report (GTIN History Report in Classic IM) to see if any errors are preventing your publication.  Please also make sure you see the subscription to your GTIN in the Item History Report. 
New Contributor


We want to start the GDSN with Lowe's and based on what you mentioned: "if you populate an attribute on one level of the hierarchy, you must populate the attribute on every level of the hierarchy."

According to Lowe's data validation documentation (dating from 2013, I haven't found anything more recent), some attributes are mandatory only at the Base_Unit_Or_Each or Consumer Unit levels (e.g., Brand owner GLN/Name is required at the Consumer Unit level and Country of Origin is required at the Base_Unit_Or_Each level).

However, does this mean we have to repeat the values of these attributes on logistics units that are not identified as Base_Unit_Or_Each or as Consumer Units?


Many thanks in advance for your clarification!

Community Support

Hello @Emma and thank you for reaching out to our customer
community. Welcome.  The article was written based on best practices for IM
customers to successfully synchronize with Lowe's.  As the Lowe’s documentation
is older, we suggest updating your items based on the best practices we mention in the article. I hope this helps and please continue to ask your questions here in the Community.

Version history
Revision #:
2 of 2
Last update:
‎10-29-2020 04:34 PM
Updated by: