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Community Manager
Community Manager

Lowe's accepts only certain GTIN structires that are published to them in the GDSN.  Please refer to thelist below when creating your GTIN hierarchies for Lowe's and anytime you get validation errors related to hierarchy from Lowe's.

Accepted Hierarchy Structures by Lowe’s

  • A single-level CIN with a Hierarchical Level of BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH.
  • A single-level CIN with a Hierarchical Level of CASE.
  • A two-level CIN with Hierarchical Levels of CASE and BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH.
  • A two-level CIN with Hierarchical Levels of PALLET and BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH.
  • A two-level CIN with Hierarchical Levels of PALLET and CASE.
  • A three-level CIN with Hierarchical Levels of PALLET, PACK_OR_INNERPACK and BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH.
  • A three-level CIN with Hierarchical Levels of PALLET, CASE, and BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH.
  • A three-level CIN with Hierarchical Levels of CASE, PACK_OR_INNERPACK, and BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH.
  • A four-level CIN with Hierarchical Levels of PALLET, CASE, PACK_OR_INNERPACK, and BASE_UNIT_OR_EACH.
New Contributor

Which hierarchy is used for a floor display/shipper?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello, Lowe's does not accept displays or shippers as hierarchy product types.  Lowe's does not vary from this list of accepted structures. 

New Contributor

Thanks, understood. Should it be setup as a PALLET or a CASE?

Community Manager
Community Manager

That can depend on how you will actually snd it to them.  They request it to be sent the the hierarchy structures mentioned in this article.

New Community Member

Anyone have experience filling out GDSN for Lowes?   

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎07-31-2020 08:46 AM
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