The FTL is not just about fresh product, although those products are a large portion. There is a section of FSMA related to importer and how they handle products.
You should talk with your regulatory folks about FSMA and how they see it fitting your ...
This is a great question. If your product is not a food, you need do nothing. If FSMA is clearly not applicable such as for bottled water, you may not need to provide the information unless a retailer asks. However, if your product is close or...
Thanks for the catch. The PD version should indeed be IM 8.56 not 8.55. I will get that corrected. This was for the release that deployed on January 11. We are working on the PD for IM 8.57 which is deploying this weekend, 1/25. We will let th...
Here is a helpful one-page document from GS1 US about the 3 steps to Use GDSN for FSMA Rule 204. It is a handy companion to the webinar shared in this thread.