08-17-2022 12:41 PM - edited 03-26-2024 03:53 PM
Harris Teeter (Kroger company) is utilizing VIP for new item setup and maintenance. This is part of their Enterprise solution to enhance data accuracy and efficiency. There is no change in the VIP registration and product content syndication process for their trading partners.
Suppliers wanting to publish their item information to Harris Teeter will follow the steps below in VIP:
Under Geographic Regions / Divisions:
Under Kroger Sales Event:
How do you get the Harris Teeter Division to populate under Other Formats.?
Hello and thank you for reaching out via our customer Community. On the hierarchy page, as seen in the original post above, if you select Direct Store Delivery and look to the right of it you can select Harris Teeter in the Division. Is this working for you?
I just tried it again. Other formats, Direct Store Delivery, then nothing happens.
No division window pops up.
Ok, let us take a look and will get back to you. Can you provide an example GTIN?
Multigrain Wheat Crackers GTIN# | 10041651900100 |
Hello, and thanks for reaching out. When looking to add on a Harris Teeter there are a few steps to take. First, as mentioned add in the drop-downs for Geographic Region as Other Formats and then select the proper Distribution Type by Region for your product. Then to the left of the drop-down that you put in Other Formats press the icon showing the green plus symbol.
This will then allow you to select Harris Teeter.
Let us know if this works for you, Have a great day.
Thank you, I must not have hit the add symbol to generate the divisions.
Hello - how do I get a broker to getting access to Kroger or Harris Teeter VIP portal?
Hello @patricio55 I took a look and see your GLN profile has PI access but you use another data pool for your GDSN content. If so, you can send an email to accessmanagement@1worldsync.com letting them know the user details you need us to add under your GLN so they can access your content.
PI99017 Classification is missing.
How do I fix this error?
Hello, @mvinkler and welcome back to the Community. You would need to click the Edit button for the Each level of the hierarchy on the Hierarchy Data Page find the line for Classification Specific Attribute Information and click the blue link, View/Modify Attributes next to it. This pop-up will give you the place to enter the Family Tree classification information.
@JustinW so only the Family Tree classification is missing?
@mvinkler Completing the Classification Specific Attribute Information section with all required information will resolve that error message.
KR3323 Item is Labeled with Cents off Label is required on consumer units
Can you help with this?
Hi, @mvinkler. Yes, this is going to be on your Consumer level, normally Each. Once you click the Edit link next to the Each on the Hierarchy Data Page press together Ctrl and F to bring up the search function. If you search Cents off it will take you to this section. This is a Yes or No question asking if there is a Cents off label on the item.
I am working on correcting these two errors but nothing seems to be working. I have the correct images and have populated the number of servings per package, but then I receive this error in Product Management
Hi @mvinkler, nice to speak with you again in the Community. When I Save the GTINs as is they save with no issues. Can you let us know what is the name of the attribute you are entering when attempting to save? Or are you able to Save now with no issues?
@mvinkler, there would be two ways to resolve this error. In Item Management you would need to enter Total number of components and Component Number. Since this is the only component in the GTIN the value for each of these would be 1.
Or you can update this in Product Introduction by going into the Case level of the hierarchy and entering the information in this field.
I cannot find that in product introduction; could you direct me?
@mvinkler While in the Case level you would want to click on the Edit button and on the pop-up click the radio button for View All Attributes.
Then using the search feature on the browser, pressing CTRL&F, at the same type type in "Measurement Precision" and this should take you to that field.
VENDOR TO RESUBMIT|; GTIN : 00070919040183, VIP Submitted Class : 520 , PID Class : 573
What does this error mean?
Hello @mvinkler,
This error is due to the incorrect Kroger Class Code being selected.
You will need to go into the EACH and click on 'View/Modify Attributes' hyperlink for Classification Specific Attributes Information
Click 'Family Tree'
Change 520 Pork Boneless Lion to
To '573' and search
Select '573 Valued Added Pork'
Your Kroger Class information will update - scroll down and click 'SAVE'
Once you have saved and exited the 'Classification Specific Attributes Information' window.
SAVE & Return.
Then re-submit your GTINs to Kroger.
Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Thank you again for reaching out to the 1WS Community! 😊
I've been directed by HT themselves to not select the FC delivery option, but rather to "Select Event Code – Select the appropriate department for item if not FC delivery.
i. Local warehouse
ii. Department the item is in Groc Misc etc. "
What will happen to my other current Geo. Regions & Divisions already buying this product now? I do not want them to lose access to the sku even tho I have to submit it to HT alone. Will there still be records of all of them? And records that are still living & editable at that for my other customers?
Hello @carlyh0lthaus,
Welcome back to the community!
You can select multiple Geo. Regions & Divisions to submit your GTINs to.
Just select your Geo. Region click '+' to ADD
Select your WAREHOUSE and STORE - and enter information in for that Geo. Region.
One you have all your Geo. Regions & Divisions selected - Kroger Sales Event should resemble below:
VALIDATE and SUBMIT to Kroger. All Geo. Regions & Division will be sent the correct information.
Please let us know if you have any further questions. Thank you for using the 1WS Kroger Community!
Hi, Can you please provide step by step instructions on how to publish to Harris Teeter in the Kroger VIP? Thank you!
Hello @uldana27 and welcome to teh customer community. Please review this article on how to indicate your VIP item should also go to Harris Teeter:
Thank you!
My team is confused with below part, where we need to update "Kroger Sales Event". Do you have a little more instruction and information on this?
Yes, you do this on the hierarchy page for your item. Once you populate and top-off the attrib utes on the item level, you can update the Kroger Sales Event on the hierarchy page to include Harris Teeter.
Does that help?
I have a GTIN for HT that is currently at In Process- Retailer. I am not certain I have the correct Kroger Event Code and that it might be throwing an error regarding shipper vs. case in the Venus system. Have you ran into this error? Thank you!!!
Hello @eburger and thanks for reaching out!
I am unable to see the error/comment in Product Introduction but I would like to ask for the GTIN to ensure I am looking at the right product. I would also recommend confirming with Kroger the correct Event Code before modifying the item as the option you have used might be the right one.
Would you be able to provide me with additional information about your hierarchy? Would it need to be sent as a Shipper or as a Case? I have attached an article about How to designate a Shipper in case it helps: https://community.1worldsync.com/t5/Troubleshooting-Attribute/Kroger-VIP-How-to-Corner-Designating-a...
It's a case and an each. It would be shipped as such. There is some place where it's still being shown as a shipper and it shouldn't be.
Thank you so much!
Thank you for the information. I would recommend updating the item to reflect the following information if your item is not a shipper:
Please remove the information from these attributes (choose the Blank option):
Trade Item is a Display Unit
Display Type
Dispatch Unit Is Assorted Case
Please modify to FALSE "* Has Display Ready Packaging?" as the Case is generally not displayed in the store.
After the information has been modified please submit the item to Kroger and await a new response from them. Please let me know if this helps.
I completed the steps listed above and the IMF still hasn't been fixed.
Do I have to do the same steps above on the each maybe?
Hello @eburger,
Welcome to the 1WS Community!
For changes to make it to Kroger - you will need to select a Kroger Item Submission Code.
Currently this attribute is BLANK. Please select DIVISION REQUEST and submit.
This has been completed. Fingers crossed it solves our problem. Thank you so much!!!!
How do I solve this error?
Good afternoon,
I've submitted my items into Product Introduction and recieved a confirmation email for both items submitted. What is my next step?
Hello @BBP,
Welcome to the 1WS Kroger Community!
Currently, your items are In Process - Retailer, awaiting completion from Kroger.
When checking your COMMENTS, IMFs have been assigned.
Feel free to send the IMFs to your Kroger Category Manager; otherwise, no additional steps are required.
If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
Thanks once again for being part of the 1WS Kroger Community!
Hi - should we be combining Kroger and HT within VIP or keeping them separate entries? Also, if they are combined under 1, are there negative implications if an update needs to be made to Kroger but not HT or vice versa? Does the event code or any other attribute affect the acceptance at one or both retailers if status changes for updates?
Hello @elgrimm86, thank you for utilizing our customer community.
As this would need to be submitted as a Division Request, only one division can be submitted at a time using "Item Submission Reason Code: Division Request". We would recommend submitting first to Harris Teeter as a Division Request. Once that process is completed, you can submit the item once more with other divisions you might need.
Please reach out to Kroger and ask what other Event Code you would need to use for other divisions as the one mentioned in this article is to be used only for the Harris Teeter Division.
When updating an item's information, all divisions where the item is active will receive the updates. I have attached the Kroger Quick Sheets for Non-GDSN VIP where it covers how to modify an item that has been submitted. Thank you.